
A super awesome Theme for Hugo

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

312 Theme for Hugo

312 is a super awesome theme for Hugo.

Main Features

  • Perfect workflow with Typora
  • Awesome built-in banners
  • Customize Image URL
  • Well designed Table of Content
  • Support full-text search


Navigate to your themes folder in your Hugo site and use the following commands:

git submodule add https://github.com/swsmile/hugo-theme-312.git themes/hugo-theme-312
hugo server

Run Hugo Build-in Server Locally

hugo server -t hugo-theme-312

Now enter localhost:1313 in the address bar of your browser.

For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo

Site Search with Algolia

Follow this tutorial to create your index in Algolia. The index is just the storage of the indexing data of your site in the the cloud . The search page of 312 theme will utilize this indexing data to do the search.

Go to the directory where you have your Hugo site and run the following commands:

$ npm init
$ npm install atomic-algolia --save

Next, open up the newly created package.json, where we’ll add an NPM script to update your index at Algolia. Find "scripts", and add the following:

"algolia": "atomic-algolia"

Algolia index output format has already been supported by the 312 theme, so you can just build your site, then you’ll find a file called algolia.json in the root, which we can use to update your index in Algolia. Generate index file:

$ hugo

Now you can push your index to Algolia by running:


Add the following variables to your hugo site config so the search page can get access to algolia index data in the cloud:

algolia_search = true
algolia_appId = {{ YOUR_APP_ID }}
algolia_indexName = {{ YOUR_INDEX_NAME }}
algolia_apiKey = {{ YOUR_ADMIN_KEY }}

Open search page in your browser: http://localhost:1313/search
