This dApp demonstrates ability to bid confidentially in a blind auction. In a blind auction, every bidders puts in a bid. Bidders do not know their fellow's bids. The highest bid winner is revealed when the auction ends.
To interact with this dApp locally follow the steps below.
npm install
To modify the contract, run
npm install -g truffle
To build a new auction, run:
truffle compile
You can deploy the contract with truffle. to do so:
to add the mnemonic for your private key. This will be the address that deploys the smart contract; you must control this address if you want to end voting from the dApp! -
truffle migrate --reset --network oasis
Note the address of the deployed contract in the output
Saving artifacts...
Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
Replacing SecretBallot...
... 0x473e196528a48d27d5488dddf9bb8a351caa6bfe41a44b8e9fca0c935142db90
SecretBallot: 0x1dd2838d8290dd83d5d060d1b3d2cc1eae0ac5f7
In this example the auction was deployed to address 0x1dd2838d8290dd83d5d060d1b3d2cc1eae0ac5f7
Launch the local web server:
npm run dev
In your browser visit
localhost:8080?ballot=<contract address>
- The smart contract code is available at
- If you don't see anything in the web browser, ensure your Metamask is unlocked and configured for the Oasis testnet
- Due to rate limiting the web UI doesn't always display complete information. If the page doesn't fully populate you may need to wait a few seconds and refresh the page
- To change the auction options, edit
then re-deploy using the instructions above
This dapp is based on the secret-ballot dapp from