
This repo contains the course material for the Test Automation University Course Introduction to E2E Web Testing using TestCafe

TestCafe-TAU (Test Automation University) Course 🚀

Tested with TestCafe

This repo contains the course material for the Test Automation University Course Introduction to E2E Web Testing using TestCafe


In order to follow this course, you will need

How to use this repository

The course is divided into the 9 different chapters and each chapter has an associated branch. The master branch without any UI tests.

  • Chapter 3 Branch -- Getting Started with TestCafe
  • Chapter 4 Branch -- Deep Dive with TestCafe
  • Chapter 7 Branch -- Page Object Model with TestCafe
  • Chapter 8 Branch -- Data-Driven Tests with TestCafe
  • Chapter 9 Branch -- BDD Tests with TestCafe and CucumberJS
  • Chapter 10 Branch -- Reporting with TestCafe
  • Chapter 11 Branch -- TestCafe Visual Validation with Applitools Ultra Grid
  • Chapter 12 Branch -- Integrate TestCafe with GitHub Actions
  • Chapter 14 Branch -- Use TestCafe Docker Image

You need to checkout the branch depending on the chapter you are on.


In each branch you need to run npm install to add node_modules into the project and also you need to install the required npm module based on the branch


TestCafe Cheat Sheet

How TestCafe Works

Install TestCafe

TestCafe Basics

Explore TestCafe features

TestCafe Wait Mechansim

TestCafe Screenshots and Videos

TestCafe Page Model

TestCafe with Data Driven

TestCafe with Cucumber and BDD

TestCafe Reporter

Allure Report

TestCafe with Applitools Ultrafast Grid

Add Project to GitHub Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line

TestCafe with GitHub Actions

TestCafe with Docker

Run TestCafe on Remote Device

TestCafe with Report Portal