
PyTorch implementation of the OT-Flow approach in arXiv:2006.00104

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Pytorch implementation of our continuous normalizing flows regularized with optimal transport.

Associated Publication

OT-Flow: Fast and Accurate Continuous Normalizing Flows via Optimal Transport https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.00104

Please cite as

    title={OT-Flow: Fast and Accurate Continuous Normalizing Flows via Optimal Transport},
    author={Derek Onken and Samy Wu Fung and Xingjian Li and Lars Ruthotto},
    journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.00104},


Install all the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt 

For the large data sets, you'll need to download the preprocessed data from Papamakarios's MAF paper found at https://zenodo.org/record/1161203#.XbiVGUVKhgi. Place the data in the data folder. We've done miniboone for you since it's small (and provide a pre-trained miniboone model).

To run some files (e.g. the tests), you may need to add them to the path via


A more in-depth setup is provided in detailedSetup.md.

Trace Comparison

Compare our trace with the AD estimation of the trace

python compareTrace.py 

For Figure 2, we averaged over 20 runs with the following results

python src/plotTraceComparison.py 

Toy problems

Train a toy example

python trainToyOTflow.py

Plot results of a pre-trained example

python evaluateToyOTflow.py

Large CNFs

python trainLargeOTflow.py

Evaluate a pre-trained model

python evaluateLargeOTflow.py


Train and Evaluate using our hyperparameters (see detailedSetup.md)

Data set Train Time Steps Val Time Steps Batch Size Hidden Dim alpha on C term alpha on R term Test Time Steps Test Batch Size
Power 8 16 20,000 128 500 10 30 120,000
Gas 8 24 5,000 256 1,200 80 30 55,000
Hepmass 12 24 2,000 256 500 40 24 50,000
Miniboone 6 10 2,000 256 100 15 18 5,000
BSDS300 14 30 300 512 2,000 800 40 10,000


Train an MNIST model

python trainMnistOTflow.py

Run a pre-trained MNIST

python interpMnist.py


This material is in part based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 1751636. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.