Xepub is a lightweight cross-platform(major linux) epub reader written in NodeJS, which need a modern browser like Chrome, Firefox or Electron.
It can also open a comic directory as a comic reader.
Get the stable release:
npm install -g xepub
Get the unstable version:
npm install -g xepub@alpha
Install as desktop application: (You need to install electron first)
% echo "
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=An epub reader
Exec=$(which xepub) -e %f
" | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/xepub.desktop
xepub book.epub # open in browser
xepub -e book.epub # open in electron
xepub erohon/ # open a folder
Use xepub --help
for more infomation.
P.S. As a comic reader:
+- erohon/
+- ep1/
| |
| +- 1.png
| +- 2.png
+- ep2/
| |
| +- 1.png
| +- 2.png
+- ep3/
+- 1.png
+- 2.png
xepub erohon/ # read all episodes
xepub erohon/ep1/ # read ep1 only
git clone https://github.com/swwind/xepub
cd xepub
yarn && yarn link
yarn dev