This repository holds open source SymbolSource projects.


The Gateway and Server.Basic projects hold the implementation of a symbol and source server equivalent to NuGet.Server. A simple, zeroconf solution for everyone to use. It's also available as NuGet package, ready to install into an empty MVC 3 project.


You can read more about Server.Basic in these blog posts, which also include instructions on how to set it up:


If you wish to build and debug Server.Basic, the general procedure is to:

  1. Fork and clone the repository.
  2. Build SymbolSource.Community.sln.
  3. Run SymbolSOurce.Server.Basic.Host or nuget pack SymbolSource.Server.Basic.nuspec and install as exaplained above.


This is the NuGet Package Explorer plugin for validating symbol packages


This could one day integrate symbol package validation into nuget.exe, but is only a stub at the moment.


This is a fun C# source code converter that uses NRefactory to change all protected and internal members into public ones. We use it to publish SymbolSource.Microsoft.Cci.Metadata.