
Resource: The Best Company YouTubes

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Resource: The Best Company YouTubes

Canonical url: https://dx.tips/youtubes

Fixes/Contributions welcome!!

Generalized YouTube notes

  • Titles/Video formats that work
  • Thumbnails
    • Large titles for readability
    • Small face/screenshot
    • Logo of the Tech
    • Play button to prompt the user to hit play? (see Tailwind)
  • Content
    • High quality video
    • Sound quality great
    • Must Entertain - don't just educate
    • Capture attention immediately, but leave open questions to develop over the course of the video - for watch time
    • Special formats

Above 100k League

Company Subcribers Age Frequency notes


![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659112170722/m-lFlheYj.png align="left")

1.1m 12 years 1/week n/a, gaming company

Chrome Developers

![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659111520726/duQ-A5YOE.png align="left")

661k 9 years 2-3/week


- I/O 2022
- GUI Challenges - Adam Argyle
- Designing in the Browser - Una
- Chrome Dev Summit 2021
- Developer Shows - HTTP 203, Design in the Browser, Made with TensorFlow.js, #AskChrome, Developer Diary
- Speed and Performance
- Progressive Web Apps
- Tooling & Polymer
- UX Design & Accessibility

top videos

- The Top 8 web things to know from Google I/O 2021
6m views, 4mins recap
- What's new in Chrome OS I/O 2022
3m views, 23min recap
- Chrome Dev Summit 2021 Keynote
1m views, 47min keynote
- What's new in Chrome OS
1m views, 12min Keynote
- 10 modern layouts in 1 line of CSS
1m views, 20min talk

IBM Developers

![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659223161395/WGv2pQvsc.png align="left")

285k 5 years 2-3/week


- Pinned video: most recent update
- Technology Explained: Cloud Fundamentals, K8s Essentials, Hybrid Cloud, API Essentials
- Kubernetes Essentials
- IBM and Red Hat: Innovate Anywhere
- Cloud Security
- DevOps Explained

top videos

- API vs SDK: What's the Difference? 1m views, 9min lightboard
- Kubernetes vs Docker 844k views, 8min lightboard
- What is a REST API? 700k views, 9min lightboard
- Virtualization Explained 471k views, 5min lightboard
- What is OpenShift? 462k views, 7min lightboard


![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659111098489/-vyBn0KHG.png align="left")

226k 5 years 1 short/day
2 videos/week


- Pinned video: Sizzle Reel
- Getting Started with VS Code (3-7 min tutorials)
- VS Code livestreams (30-60min streams with guests)
- VS Code Day 2022 (conf talks - 5-15mins talks)
- Shorts
- VS Code and GitHub (1 min tips)

top videos

- a lot of shorts...
- Getting start with Node.js debugging in VS Code
400k views, 8min tutorial
- VS Code - Debugging
400k views, 6min tutorial
- VS Code - Quick Intro to JavaScript
400k views, 3min "Quick Tour"
- Advanced Code Editing in VS Code
360k views, 6min tutorial


![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659109930944/kBaVNLMOs.png align="left")

218k 9 years 3-5/week


- Featured - keynotes, explainers, conf talks
- The Download - weekly news show with Christina Warren
- Conferences - GitHub Universe, Constellation, InFocus, Maintainer Summit
- GitHub Checkout - PMs and Engineers sharing their work
- GitHub Changelog - latest changes
- 30 minutes to Merge - 30min guest interviews
- Demo Days - 30-45min Guest speakers/talks
- GitHub Community - Guest livestreams
- Open Source Friday - featuring major open source projects

top videos

- What is GitHub?
1.6m views, 3 minute explainer, motion graphics
- GitHub Arctic Code Vault
950k views, 2min announcement, cinematic film
- Introducing Atom 1.0
500k views, 2min, sketch/edited skit
- The new GitHub Issues
465k views, 1min product announcement

To add: GCP YouTube - 870k subs

10-100k league

Company Subcribers Age Frequency notes


![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659109440482/Rj0PpthLi.png align="left")

71k 13 years 20-30/year


- Pinned video - Twilio Engage product intro - 50second stinger, 11k views
- 2021 Conference videos - good thumbnails
- Learn with Nathaniel - person-driven 8-12min tutorials
- Twilio Quickstarts - "how to X" - 4 minutes each, 40-60k views

top videos

- Introducing Twilio Studio (37 seconds, 7m views)
- What is Twilio? 2mins, 5m views
- Navigate Messaging Compliance with Twilio 90secs, 2.7m views
- Some ads for Twilio SIGNAL

Tailwind Labs

![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659109686712/1YPO_JHmH.png align="left")

60k 1 year used to be 2/month

- What's New in Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind CSS v2.0 - full course in 10-20min segments
- Tailwind Talk - livestreams with guests

top videos
- What's New in Tailwind 3.0? - 26min overview, 158k views
- Introducing Tailwind CSS v3.0 - 55sec ad, 138k views
- Just in Time: The Next Generation of Tailwind CSS - 13min, 132k views


![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659225172730/FNmGhxq95.png align="left")

40k 4 years ~4/week


- Pinned video: Why Instacart Chose Confluent
- For Technical Leaders & Executives
- Kafka Summit videos
- Kafka 101 Tutorials
- Confluent Customers & Use Cases
- ksqlDB Videos

top videos

- Intro to Streams - Apache Kafka Streams API - 356k views, 10min tutorial
- What is Apache Kafka + ksqlDB? 271k views, 12min lightboard
- What is Apache Kafka? 237k views, 10min lightboard
- Apache Kafka Fundamentals 186k views, 24min talk with slides
- Creating a Streams Application 156k views, 10min tutorial

Recall by Dataiku

![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659109756565/mlttolrFO.png align="left")

40k 9 months 2/month - Hired top dev youtubers to produce beginner/introductory focused content
- Promoting their twitter/insta in description
- Uncertain company ROI


![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659227222973/Yu8nMiirq.png align="left")

23k 3 years 40/year (incl conf) YouTube channel features individual developer advocate youtubes.


- Pinned Video: The Future of React & Next.js – The Web’s SDK - 74k views, 27min keynote
- Next.js Conf 2021
- Next.js Conf - Special Edition
- Next.js Conf 2020


![image.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1659109715683/29wFFWB-_.png align="left")

10k ~1 year 50/year (incl conf) Significant promotion on Twitter.

top videos

- Remix Tutorial with Kent - 6 hour livestream with 61k views
- Remix v1 Beta Launch - 90min livestream with 29k views
- CDN Caching, Static Site Generation, and Server Side Rendering - 43min talk with 25k views
- Introducing Remix - 48sec stinger with 20k views

YouTube Shorts game

Who else?

Misc YouTubes to explore

  • Honeypot Highly produced documentaries on Kubernetes, Vue.js, GraphQL, and others
    • Same producer left for OfferZen to do Laravel and Svelte
  • Roboflow - has some >100k views videos despite being a small channel
  • Altinity
  • Clickhouse
  • Prismic (doing ok, just surprisingly low compared to production quality)
  • Temporal swyx worked on this from 2021-2022

Business Oriented

Youtube playbooks from different companies

  • Atlist - Bootstrapping youtube marketing via uploading on existing channels, and practical tips for getting started
