
Distributed Embeddable Database

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What is GitDB?

GitDB is not a binary. It’s a library!

GitDB is a decentralized document database written in Go that uses Git under the hood to provide database-like functionalities via strictly defined interfaces.

GitDB allows developers to create Models of objects in their application which implement a Model Interface that can access it's persistence features. This allows GitDB to work with these objects in database operations.

Why GitDB - motivation behind project?

  • A need for a database that was quick and simple to set up
  • A need for a database that was decentralized and each participating client in a system can store their data independent of other clients.


  • Decentralized
  • Document store
  • Embedded into your go application
  • Encryption (encrypt on write, decrypt on read)
  • Record locking.
  • Simple Indexing System
  • Transactions
  • Web UI

Project versioning

GitDB uses semantic versioning. API should not change between patch and minor releases. New minor versions may add additional features to the API.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


To start using GitDB, install Go and run go get:

$ go get github.com/gogitdb/gitdb/v2


Below are configuration options provided by GitDB

Name Description Type Required Default
DbPath Path on your machine where you want GitDB to create/clone your database string Y N/A
ConnectionName Unique name for gitdb connection. Use this when opening multiple GitDB connections string N "default"
OnlineRemote URL for remote git server you want GitDB to sync with e.g git@github.com:user/db.git or https://github.com/user/db.git.

Note: The first time GitDB runs, it will automatically generate ssh keys and will automatically attempt to use this key to sync with the OnlineRemote, therefore ensure that the generated keys are added to this git server. The ssh keys can be found at Config.DbPath/.gitdb/ssh

string N ""
SyncInterval This controls how often you want GitDB to sync with the online remote time.Duration. N 5s
EncryptionKey 16,24 or 32 byte string used to provide AES encryption for Models that implement ShouldEncrypt string N ""
User This specifies the user connected to the Gitdb and will be used to commit all changes to the database gitdb.User N ghost <ghost@gitdb.local>
EnableUI Use this option to enable GitDB web user interface bool N false
UIPort Use this option to change the default port which GitDB uses to serve it's web user interface int N 4120
Factory For backward compatibity with v1. In v1 GitDB needed a factory method to be able construct concrete Model for certain database operations. This has now been dropped in v2 func(dataset string) gitdb.Model N nil
Mock Flag used for testing apps. If true, will return a mock GitDB connection bool N false

You can configure GitDB either using the constructor or constructing it yourself

cfg := gitdb.NewConfig(path)
cfg := gitdb.Config{
  DbPath: path

Importing GitDB

To use GitDB as an embedded document store, import as:

import "github.com/gogitdb/gitdb/v2"

cfg := gitdb.NewConfig(path)
db, err := gitdb.Open(cfg)
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()

Opening a database

package main

import (

func main() {
  cfg := gitdb.NewConfig("/tmp/data")
  // Open will create or clone down a git repo 
  // in configured path if it does not exist.
  db, err := gitdb.Open(cfg)
  if err != nil {
  defer db.Close()



A Model is a struct that represents a record in GitDB. GitDB only works with models that implement the gidb.Model interface

gitdb.TimeStampedModel is a simple struct that allows you to easily add CreatedAt and UpdatedAt to all the Models in your application and will automatically time stamp them before persisting to GitDB. You can write your own base Models to embed common fields across your application Models

type BankAccount struct {
  //TimeStampedModel will add CreatedAt and UpdatedAt fields this Model
  AccountType         string
  AccountNo           string
  Currency            string
  Name                string

func (b *BankAccount) GetSchema() *gitdb.Schema {
  //Dataset Name
  name := "Accounts"
  //Block ID
  block := b.CreatedAt.Format("200601")
  //Record ID
  record := b.AccountNo

  //Indexes speed up searching
  indexes := make(map[string]interface{})
  indexes["AccountType"] = b.AccountType
  return gitdb.NewSchema(name, block, record, indexes)

func (b *BankAccount) Validate() error            { return nil }
func (b *BankAccount) IsLockable() bool           { return false }
func (b *BankAccount) ShouldEncrypt() bool        { return false }
func (b *BankAccount) GetLockFileNames() []string { return []string{} }


Inserting/Updating a record

package main

import (

func main(){
  cfg := gitdb.NewConfig("/tmp/data")
  db, err := gitdb.Open(cfg)
  if err != nil {
  defer db.Close()

  //populate model
  account := &BankAccount{}
  account.AccountNo = "0123456789"
  account.AccountType = "Savings"
  account.Currency = "GBP"
  account.Name = "Foo Bar"

  err = db.Insert(account)
  if err != nil {

  //get account id

  //update account name
  account.Name = "Bar Foo"
  err = db.Insert(account)
  if err != nil {

Fetching a single record

package main
import (

func main(){
  cfg := gitdb.NewConfig("/tmp/data")
  db, err := gitdb.Open(cfg)
  if err != nil {
  defer db.Close()

  //model to passed to Get to store result 
  var account BankAccount
  if err := db.Get("Accounts/202003/0123456789", &account); err != nil {

Fetching all records in a dataset

package main

import (

func main(){
  cfg := gitdb.NewConfig("/tmp/data")
  db, err := gitdb.Open(cfg)
  if err != nil {
  defer db.Close()

  records, err := db.Fetch("Accounts")
  if err != nil {

  accounts := []*BankAccount{}
  for _, r := range records {
    b := &BankAccount{}
    accounts = append(accounts, b)
    log.Print(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", gitdb.ID(b), b.AccountNo))

Fetching all records from specific block in a dataset

package main

import (

func main(){
  cfg := gitdb.NewConfig("/tmp/data")
  db, err := gitdb.Open(cfg)
  if err != nil {
  defer db.Close()

  records, err := db.Fetch("Accounts", "b0", "b1")
  if err != nil {

  var accounts []*BankAccount
  for _, r := range records {
    b := &BankAccount{}
    accounts = append(accounts, b)
    log.Print(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", gitdb.ID(b), b.AccountNo))

Deleting a record

package main

import (

func main(){
  cfg := gitdb.NewConfig("/tmp/data")
  db, err := gitdb.Open(cfg)
  if err != nil {
  defer db.Close()

  if err := db.Delete("Accounts/202003/0123456789"); err != nil {

Search for records

package main

import (

func main(){
  cfg := gitdb.NewConfig("/tmp/data")
  db, err := gitdb.Open(cfg)
  if err != nil {
  defer db.Close()

  //Find all records that have savings account type
  searchParam := &db.SearchParam{Index: "AccountType", Value: "Savings"}
  records, err := dbconn.Search("Accounts", []*db.SearchParam{searchParam}, gitdb.SearchEquals)
  if err != nil {

  accounts := []*BankAccount{}
  for _, r := range records {
    b := &BankAccount{}
    accounts = append(accounts, b)
    log.Print(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", b.ID, b.CreatedAt))


package main

import (

func main() {
  cfg := gitdb.NewConfig("/tmp/data")
  db, err := gitdb.Open(cfg)
  if err != nil {
  defer db.Close()

  func accountUpgradeFuncOne() error { println("accountUpgradeFuncOne..."); return nil }
  func accountUpgradeFuncTwo() error { println("accountUpgradeFuncTwo..."); return errors.New("accountUpgradeFuncTwo failed") }
  func accountUpgradeFuncThree() error { println("accountUpgradeFuncThree"); return nil }

  tx := db.StartTransaction("AccountUpgrade")
  terr := tx.Commit()
  if terr != nil {


GitDB suppports AES encryption and is done on a Model level, which means you can have a database with different Models where some are encrypted and others are not. To encrypt your data, your Model must implement ShouldEncrypt() to return true and you must set gitdb.Config.EncryptionKey. For maximum security set this key to a 32 byte string to select AES-256

package main

import (

func main(){
  cfg := gitdb.NewConfig("/tmp/data")
  cfg.EncryptionKey = "a_32_bytes_string_for_AES-256"
  db, err := gitdb.Open(cfg)
  if err != nil {
  defer db.Close()

  //populate model
  account := &BankAccount{}
  account.AccountNo = "0123456789"
  account.AccountType = "Savings"
  account.Currency = "GBP"
  account.Name = "Foo Bar"

  //Insert will encrypt the account
  err = db.Insert(account)
  if err != nil {

  //Get will automatically decrypt account
  var account BankAccount
  err = db.Get("Accounts/202003/0123456789", &account)
  if err != nil {


For more information on getting started with Gitdb, check out the following articles:

Caveats & Limitations

It's important to pick the right tool for the job and GitDB is no exception. Here are a few things to note when evaluating and using GitDB:

  • GitDB is good for systems where data producers are indpendent.
  • GitDB currently depends on the git binary to work

Reading the Source

GitDB is a relatively small code base (<5KLOC) for an embedded, distributed, document database so it can be a good starting point for people interested in how databases work.

The best places to start are the main entry points into GitDB:

  • Open() - Initializes the reference to the database. It's responsible for creating the database if it doesn't exist and pulling down existing database if an online remote is specified.

If you have additional notes that could be helpful for others, please submit them via pull request.