- Ai-is-light
- alex-movilaFortech
- Alixingvivo
- AppServiceProviderDhaka, Bangladesh
- BentengMa
- bulbgodCincinnati Children's
- CSer-Tang-haoThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- cszhilu1998Harbin Institute of Technology
- DarrenxcUniversity of Edinburgh
- digantamisra98@mila-iqia @landskape-ai
- DirtyLI
- DLwbm123Fudan University
- fincahuanaco
- happycaoyueHarbin Institute of Technology
- hellloxiaotianNorthwestern Polytechnical University, China
- hezw2016Zhejiang University
- hiredd
- hjc1009jin
- IDKiroZhejiang University
- Ken1256
- MagauiyaSeoul
- MurrayC7
- Najlepszy
- olgaiv39Warsaw, Poland
- piyush-J
- RaymondmaxDell Technologies
- sunkyya
- SuperBruceJiaBoston University
- UtopiaHuWhu
- Vandermode
- victorca25
- VolodymyrAhafonov
- wdhudiekouDUT-Media lab
- weinHW
- YotooonAsilum
- zineos