
BetterCovers is a fully customizable script to automaticaly generate covers and backdrops with embeded ratings, mediainfo, language, certifications, age ratings, source, production companies, etc!

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Better Covers

BetterCovers is a script to automaticaly generate covers and backdrops with embeded ratings, mediainfo, language, certifications, age ratings, source, production companies, etc!


The script is made to be fully customizable, all properties can be disabled and custom cover templates can be selected based on a large number of filters!
After executing the script you have to refresh the library on Emby/Plex/Jellyfin for this to take effect! (Or configure the agent in the config file to automaticaly update the library!)



The easiest option for running is using docker.

docker run -i --rm \
  -v /path/to/media:/media \
  -v /path/to/config:/config \
  -e parameters="-w 20" `#OPTIONAL` \
  -e TZ=America/New_York `#OPTIONAL` \
  -e fileMask="*" `#OPTIONAL` \


Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/ilarramendi/BetterCovers
Install python requirments: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install program requirments: sudo apt install -y wkhtmltopdf ffmpeg
Run: python3 BetterCovers.py '/path/to/media/*'

Folder structure

Each movie needs to be inside a unique folder.
Each TV show season must be inside a unique folder.
For better identification folders names can have imdb or tmdb ids like: [tmdbid=123456] or [imdbid=123456]

Planned features

  • Option to save images on Agent metadata folder to improve menu loading time (media images on HDD load a bit slow on emby)
  • Different themes (suggestions are apreciate)
  • Use existing cover
  • Add aditional mediainfo properties (dolby, ATMOS, audio channels)
  • Add connection with Sonarr and Radarr api (or script on import)
  • Add connection to plex api
  • Add original downloaded image cache for faster cover creation (wkhtmltopdf cache not working)


This specifies settings for running the scrip.

Name Description Values
defaultAudioLanguage Default language to use if no language found ENG (ISO 639-2/T), empty for off
mediainfoUpdateInterval Time to update mediainfo (days) 14
IMDBTitlesUpdateInterval Time to update IMDB titles dataset (days) 7
IMDBRatingsUpdateInterval Time to update IMDB ratings dataset (days) 7
preferedImageLanguage Prefered image language to download en-US (Language code)
ratingsOrder Order to show ratings (dont remove items, just change order)
mediainfoOrder Prefered image language to download (dont remove items, just change order)
wkhtmltoimagePath Path to wkhtmltoimage /usr/bin/wkhtmltoimage
tmdbApi TMDB api key (can be changed if tmdb api limit reached) 123456789
omdbApi OMDB api key (used to get missing metadata, not needed) 123456789

Agent (Automaticaly update library)

Name Description Values
type Media agent to update jellyfin or emby
url Full path to media agent
apiKey Media agent api key 123456456


This section enables/disables different ratings providers

Name Description Values
RT Get RT-CF certification, RT and RTA ratings (SLOWEST) true or false
IMDB Get IMDB ratings from dataset true or false
textlessPosters Not workint ATM! true or false
LB Get LB ratings true or false
TVTime Get TVTime ratings (Almost all are positive ratings) true or false
MetaCritic Get MTC-MS certifications and MTC ratings true or false
Trakt Get Trakt ratings true or false


This section defined wich template is going to be used based on media properties/ratings/etc, the first template matching will be selected so place the more restrictive options first. The only required property is: cover

Name Description Values
cover Html file to use, needs to be located on media/templates cover, goodMovies, etc...
ratings Filter by ratings with a value > or < than a number "TMDB": ">7.5"
path Filter by text on path /media/kidsMovies
type Filter by type of media, sepparated by ',' movie,tv,season,episode,movie_backdrop,
productionCompanies Filter by production company TMDB id, int array [150, 250, 2]
ageRating Filter by age rating < than value G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, NR


This folder specifies wich properties are enabled for each cover type, most options are self-explanatory, these are the other options.

Name Description Values
generateImages Extract images from media instead of downloading (NOT WORKING ATM) true or false
audio Audio languages to use (uses first language found) ENG,SPA,JPN (ISO 639-2/T)
output Output file names separated by ';' ($NAME is replaced with filename) poster.jpg;cover.png
productionCompanies Array of production companies to show (IMDB PC id) [123, 456, 451]
productionCompaniesBlacklist Blacklist or whitelist production companies true or false
productionCompaniesBlacklist Blacklist or whitelist production companies true or false
usePercentage Use percentage for ratings instead of 0 - 10 true or false
extractImage Extract image with ffmpeg from media (EP cover, MV and TV backdrops) true or false
useExistingImage Use existing cover image if exists true or false

Replacing Assets

Assets can be replaced inside the folder media in the work directory (can be changed with -wd, default wd is next to script or /config in docker), paths need to be the same as here.


This is how you can customize covers however you like, just edit the html cover and generate images again with parameter -o. Example templates can be found on media/templates The script replaces certain tags on the html file.

TAG Raplace Value
<!--TITLE--> Title of media
$IMGSRC Path to cover/backdrop
<!--RATINGS--> <div class='ratingContainer ratings-NAME'><img src='...' class='ratingIcon'/>VALUE<label class='ratingText'></div>
For each rating
<!--MEDIAINFO--> <div class='mediainfoImgContainer mediainfo-PROPERY'><img src= '...' class='mediainfoIcon'></div>
For each mediainfo property
<!--PRODUCTIONCOMPANIES--> <div class='pcWrapper producionCompany-ID'><img src='...' class='producionCompany'/></div>
For production company
<!--CERTIFICATIONS--> <img src= "..." class="certification"/>
For each certification


-o true Ovewrite any cover found (images are automaticaly overwriten if info changes) -wd /path/to/wd Change the default working directory (where config files, images and covers are stored)
-w number Number of workers to use, default 20 (using too many workers can result in images not loading correctly or hitting api limits)
-v number Verbose level from 0 to 5, default 2.
--dry Performs a dry run, only getting metadata, not generating any image.
--json Save metadata to metadata.json, usefull for debugin and connecting with other programs.