
Step by Step progress to openfaas

NOTE: Detailed docs for openfaas setup can be found on openfaas/workshop repository. This is a trimmed down version of the doc for personal use.

Step by Step progress to openfaas

OpenFaaS requires a Kubernetes cluster to operate. You can use a single-node cluster or a multi-node cluster, whether that's on your laptop or in the cloud.

The basic primitive for any OpenFaaS function is a Docker image, which is built using the faas-cli tool-chain.


Let's install Docker, the OpenFaaS CLI and setup Kubernetes.

For Windows

Use Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise only Install Docker CE for Windows

Please ensure you use the Linux containers Docker daemon by using the Docker menu in the Windows task bar notification area.

Install Git Bash When you install git bash pick the following options: install UNIX commands and use true-type font.

Note: please use Git Bash for all steps: do not attempt to use PowerShell, WSL or Bash for Windows.

OpenFaaS CLI You can install the OpenFaaS CLI using the official bash script, brew is also available but can lag one or two versions behind.

For Windows, run this in Git Bash:

$ curl -sLSf https://cli.openfaas.com | sh

If you run into any issues then you can download the latest faas-cli.exe manually from the releases page. You can place it in a local directory or in the C:\Windows\ path so that it's available from a command prompt.

We will use the faas-cli to scaffold new functions, build, deploy and invoke functions. You can find out commands available for the cli with faas-cli --help.

Test the faas-cli. Open a Terminal or Git Bash window and type in:

$ faas-cli help
$ faas-cli version

NEXT: Setup Single Node Kubernetes Cluster