An Arduino program to communicate with a Dell (Delta) DPS-750TB PSU over I2C.
- 12Oak
- ArsenioDevNorthern Virginia
- cathylunar
- cebarobotUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- chuanzai
- cron410Bounteous
- DjYoul
- dudeitssmNY, USA
- hai1ro
- hv-dude
- iaredavid01San Diego, CA
- jamryGuangzhou,China
- keithwm422University of Chicago-Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
- KennethEhmsenOrange Design One
- kuresaru
- Leo-PL
- MiSaKa100039
- NgThPhuong
- ofnhkb1Chenmo Software Studio
- quking2003
- ramdaronRussia
- seancaulfield
- skullcrossbones
- SzczepaneriaPoland
- ThangQVVTS Group
- timkazUkraine, Kyiv
- TyshkevichUkraine
- vad-babushkinLiechtenstein
- xuandad