
Demo codes in our presentation about MXNet in AWS Seoul Summit 2017

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

AWS Seoul Summit 2017 Demos

Demo codes in our presentation about MXNet in AWS Seoul Summit 2017

File Name Description
mxnet-logistic_regression_diabetes.ipynb The logistic regression example
mxnet-2hidden_fnn_diabetes.ipynb The classification example using FNN with 2 hidden layers
mxnet-mnist_deep_cnn.ipynb Example of classifying MNIST digits with a CNN
mxnet-seq2seq.ipynb The sequence-to-sequence learning example
mxnet_seq2seq_cudnn_speed.py The MXNet side script that uses cudnn accelerated LSTM for seq2seq model
mxnet_seq2seq_native_speed.py The MXNet side script that uses the native implemented LSTM for seq2seq model
keras_seq2seq_speed.py The Keras side script for seq2seq model

You can preview all the notebooks here or using nbviewer.

Also, you can refer to the code and youtube tutorials in DeepLearningZeroToAll for more explanation.

For the speed comparison, we use these commands:

MXNet with CUDNN accelerated LSTM (MXNet using latest master)

python3 mxnet_seq2seq_cudnn_speed.py

MXNet with native LSTM

python3 mxnet_seq2seq_native_speed.py

Keras 2.0.3 with TensorFlow Backend (TensorFlow version 1.0.1)

KERAS_BACKEND=tensorflow python3 keras_seq2seq_speed.py

Keras 2.0.3 with the Theano backend (Theano version 0.9)

KERAS_BACKEND=theano python3 keras_seq2seq_speed.py

We use a single GeForce Titan X GPU (Maxwell) + CUDNN V5.1

Implementation Time spent
MXNet with CUDNN LSTM 3.70s
MXNet with native LSTM 10.83s
Keras with TF backend 48.68s
Keras with Theano backend 49.88s

Also for the Theano speed test, I've run the script twice and report the time took in the second turn.