
Code release for LayoutDiffuse

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Code release for LayoutDiffuse: Adapting Foundational Diffusion Models for Layout-to-Image Generation


0. Installation


Follow the official instruction from the website. Install the correct pytorch according to your hardware.

git clone [this repositoty]
pip install -r requirements.txt

0.2 Download dataset

Download dataset. Run

bash scripts/download_coco.sh
bash scripts/download_vg.sh
bash scripts/download_celebMask.sh

This should create a folder in ~/disk2/data and put all files in that folder.

Note for celebMask:

  1. You might have see problem when downloading celebMask dataset saying that the file has been downloaded too many times. You will need to go to their website to download.
  2. You need to use this script to convert celebMask part-ground-truth to mask-ground-truth.


Download foundational pretrained models, run

bash scripts/download_pretrained_models.sh

0.4 (Optional) log experiments with WandB

The visualization depends on wandb, remember to set it on your server by wandb login.

1. Sampling with trained models

NOTE: model will become public soon Download model weights for COCO, COCO w/o text, VG or celebMask and put weights under folder experiments/{cocostuff/cocostuff_no_text/vg/celeb_mask}_LayoutDiffuse

See notebooks for single image sample or running sampling for the dataset

python sampling.py -c configs/cocostuff.json # sampling code for cocostuff, replace it with other config files for vg or celeb mask

You can also use Gradio to use LayoutDiffuse

pip install gradio
python run_gradio.py

2. Training

python main.py -c configs/cocostuff.json

You can change the config files to other dataset in configs

3. Structure of the code (For training on custom data)

If you want to train on your dataset, you may need following knowledge

2.1 main.py

The entrance of the program for training. It does following things:

  • Create denoising/vqvae/text models in the config json. The denoising/vqvae/text model is a regular pytorch module.
  • Create a DDIM training instance which is a pytorch lightning module. (e.g., the training class for COCO is DDIM_LDM_LAION_Text, you can find the class in json config file)
  • Prepare dataset and dataloader.
  • Create callbacks for checkpointing and visualization (see callbacks README for details).
  • Create a pytorch lightning Trainer instance for training.

2.2 Denoising model

The denoising model is a UNet model that takes layout information and (optional) text prompts.

2.3 Latent diffusion model

The folder contains the code for diffusion. Class DDIM_LDM contains the coefficients and functions for diffusion and denoising process.

Class DDIM_LDMTraining contains the code for

  • Training (need to follow pl gramma)
  • Validation/testing (need to follow pl gramma)
  • Sampling
  • Initializing optimizer

Class DDIM_LDM_VQVAETraining adds on VQVAE encoder and decoder.

Class DDIM_LDM_Text_VQVAETraining adds on text model

In most of the cases, you only need to overwrite the DDIM_LDM_VQVAETraining or DDIM_LDM_Text_VQVAETraining class for a customized training.

You can see class DDIM_LDM_LAION_Text to understand how to derive these class for each dataset/task.

Functions trianing_step, validation_step and test_step will return a dictionary. This dictonary will be the outputs arguments in the callback functions. You can use this dictionary for visualization e.t.c.

2.4 Callbacks

see callbacks' readme

2.5 Data

The function of this folder is to return a training loader or validation loader.

In most of the cases you can use the off-the-shelf datasets (e.g. official ones in torchvison). The only thing you need to modify is to overwrite the process_batch() funcation in DDIM_LDM_VQVAETraining.

This code is developed using a variety of resources from this repository