
client files to interact with an agent in the copenhagent environment

Primary LanguagePython

README.txt for copenhagent

Fall 2015, DIS Artificial Intelligence, Samuel Lijin and Megan Wancura

This is the README for our work in developing a Python module to control an 
agent in the copenhagent environment. It applies rudimentary AI concepts
such as graph search algorithms (bfs, dfs, best-first, hill-climbing), 
adversarial search algorithms (minimax, alpha-beta), and so on.


Note to future me (and anyone coming acros this)

This project was never actually finished. The final project of the course was
to implement an autonomous mode for the agent, where Martin would run the server
in competition mode for 5 minutes (something like that?) and we would connect
our agents to it, whereupon they would compete autonomously to see which one
could finish with the highest score. I think we won? I'm pretty sure we did.

In any case, a year later, I've come back and added instructions here to run
the darn thing:

$ git clone <blablabla>
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ cd disai-distribution/server/ && npm install && node app.js

In a separate window, once the node app starts up (it won't say when, but it'll
be soon after the npm install finishes):

$ python2 -m ai.auton -hostname=localhost

To watch the agent go, open your web browser to localhost:3000/viewer/


$ python2 copenhagent.py --help
usage: copenhagent.py [-h] [--new <name>] [--agent <agentToken>]
                      [--command <command>]

Spawns an interactive shell with which you can control an agent in the
copenhagent environment. Must specify either --new or --agent when calling the
script; if neither or both are specified, program will immediately exit.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --new <name>          create a new agent with <name> and control it
  --agent <agentToken>  control an existing agent with <agentToken>
  --command <command>   send command to shell and close immediately after


Program architecture is as follows:

copenhagent/                Top-level package
    __init__.py             Initialize the copenhagent package
    __main__.py             Mimic behavior of copenhagent.py

    agent.py                Binds to and controls agents in <copenhagent>.
    copenhagent.py          Top-level user interactive interface.
    shell.py                Creates a shell to allow users to control agents.

    README.txt              This file.
    ai/                     Subpackage for AI routines.
        auton.py            Autonomous routine for an agent in <copenhagent>.
        geography.py        Store state of a <copenhagent> instance and 
                                identify best options for moving around.
        navigation.py       Solves a <navigation> instance.
        papersoccer.py      Solves a <papersoccer> instance.
    lib/                    Subpackage for program resources.
        benchmark.py        Generate statistics about <copenhagent>.
        logger.py           Log information to STDOUT and parse logs.
        navigation.py       Store state of a <navigation> instance.
        papersoccer.py      Store state of a <papersoccer> instance.
        structs.py          Various data structures used in the program.

 * <USER>
 |   +--[ copenhagent/ ] ----+              +--[ ai/ ]------------------+  
 |   |                       |              |                           |
 +------> * copenhagent.py   |    +------------> * auton.py             |
 |   |    |                  |    |         |                           | 
 |   |    v                  |    |       -----> * geography.py         |
 +------> * shell.py         |    |      /  |                           | 
     |    |                  |    +-----+------> * navigation.py * <--------+
     |    v                  |   /       \  |                           |   |
     |    * agent.py * <--------+         -----> * papersoccer.py * <----------+
     |                       |   \          |                           |   |  |
     +-----------------------+    \         +---------------------------+   |  |
                                   \                                        |  |
                                    \                                       |  |
                                     \      +--[ lib/ ]-----------------+   |  |
                                      \     |                           |   |  |
                                       \    |    * benchmark.py         |   |  |
                                        \   |                           |   |  |
                                         +-----> * navigation.py * <--------+  |
                                         |  |                           |      |
                                         +-----> * papersoccer.py * <----------+
                                            |                           |
                                            |    * logger.py            | 
                                            |                           | 
                                            |    * structs.py           | 
                                            |                           | 

To spawn an interactive shell to control an agent from the command line:

    ### create and control a new agent named $arg
    $ python2 copenhagent.py --new arg

    ### control an existing agent with agentToken $arg
    $ python2 copenhagent.py --agent arg

To control the agent from within the spawned shell, use API commands, replacing
/'s and ?'s with spaces. (Do not add spaces around ='s, parser will not handle
those safely.) Example presented below:

    disai> map enter
    disai> map metro direction=cw
    disai> map bike locationId=parken
    disai> papersoccer enter
    disai> papersoccer
    enter a papersoccer endpoint (leave, play, enter): play
    enter a value for direction ('n', 'ne', 'e', 'se', 's', 'sw', 'w', 'nw'): direction=ne
    disai> papersoccer play direction=e
    disai> papersoccer leave
    disai> map leave
    disai> exit


    $ python2 copenhagent.py --new agentName
    disai> map enter
    disai> map bike locationId=parken
    disai> papersoccer ai
    disai> map bike locationId=noerrebrogade
    disai> navigation ai
    disai> exit