Adding a New Page

Note: usage of a staging environment is strongly encouraged. See for instructions.

  • Create a new file in the root directory with the name

  • Make sure the file starts with YAML front matter:

    layout: default
    title: Some New File
    author: John Doe
  • Add an entry in _data/ with a url and text attribute to make the link show up in the navbar header:

    • url will correspond to the href of the link, and should be relative to the root of the website (specifically, relative to site.baseurl)
    • text will correspond to the text of the link that will be created
    • the order of the entries determines the order of the links in the navbar
    - url: /some-new-file
      text: new file

Running the Website Locally

Setting Up

Install Ruby and RubyGems; then install bundler and dependencies:

gem install bundler && bundle install --binstubs


To build static assets and serve the website:

./bin/jekyll serve --host=

Add the --watch and --incremental flag to rebuild the website as you modify files (note: you must manually rebuild the website if you change _config.yml; jekyll does not support automatic reloading on configuration changes):

./bin/jekyll serve --host= --watch