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Use Agora RTC SDK with Rust!
- rustc
- cargo
If you are not familiar with Rust, please visit Rust Programming Language for more infomation.
Our rust SDK has already been uploaded to crate.io registry named agorartc-sys
, thus either can you use SDK from crate.io or download the repository.
Add a dependency to the Cargo.toml
of your project.
agorartc-sys = "*"
Clone the repository and add a dependency to the Cargo.toml
of your project.
agorartc-sys = { version = "*", path = "[your-path-to]/agorartc-sys"}
Visit Agora-Rust-QuickStart to obtain some existed demos.
You can also write a simple demo yourself by the following instructins.
Open Terminal (macOS) or PowerShell (Windows) and create a new cargo project.
$ cargo new first_agorartc_proj $ cd first_agorartc_proj
Add a dependency to the
.[dependencies] agorartc-sys = "*"
(macOS) Add a configuration to tell the compiler that
is the loader path.$ mkdir .cargo $ touch .cargo/config.toml $ echo "[build]\nrustflags = [\"-C\", \"link-args=-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path\"]" > .cargo/config.toml
Write a simple demo in
.unsafe extern "C" fn on_error(error: ::std::os::raw::c_int, msg: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char) { let msg = CStr::from_ptr(msg); println!("On Error: code: {:?}, msg: {:?}", error, msg); } unsafe extern "C" fn on_warning(warn: ::std::os::raw::c_int, msg: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char) { if msg != std::ptr::null() { let msg = CStr::from_ptr(msg); println!("On Warn: code: {:?}, msg: {:?}", warn, msg); } println!("On Warning: code: {:?}", warn); } unsafe extern "C" fn on_join_channel( arg1: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, uid: agorartc_sys::agorartc::agorartcnative::uid_t, elapsed: ::std::os::raw::c_int, ) { println!("onJoinChannel"); } unsafe extern "C" fn on_user_joined(uid: agorartc_sys::agorartc::agorartcnative::uid_t, elapsed: ::std::os::raw::c_int) { println!("onUserJoined"); } fn main() { let rtc_engine = &agorartc_sys::agorartc::Agora_Rtc_Engine; rtc_engine.add_event_handler(&mut agorartc_sys::agorartc::agorartcnative::RtcEventHandler { onJoinChannelSuccess: Some(on_join_channel), onReJoinChannelSuccess: None, onLeaveChannel: None, onConnectionLost: None, onConnectionInterrupted: None, onRequestToken: None, onUserJoined: Some(on_user_joined), onUserOffline: None, onAudioVolumeIndication: None, onUserMuteAudio: None, onWarning: Some(on_warning), onError: Some(on_error), onRtcStats: None, onAudioMixingFinished: None, onAudioRouteChanged: None, onFirstRemoteVideoDecoded: None, onVideoSizeChanged: None, onClientRoleChanged: None, onUserMuteVideo: None, onMicrophoneEnabled: None, onApiCallExecuted: None, onFirstLocalAudioFrame: None, onFirstRemoteAudioFrame: None, onLastmileQuality: None, onAudioQuality: None, onStreamInjectedStatus: None, onStreamUnpublished: None, onStreamPublished: None, onStreamMessageError: None, onStreamMessage: None, onConnectionBanned: None, onRemoteVideoTransportStats: None, onRemoteAudioTransportStats: None, onTranscodingUpdated: None, onAudioDeviceVolumeChanged: None, onActiveSpeaker: None, onMediaEngineStartCallSuccess: None, onMediaEngineLoadSuccess: None, onConnectionStateChanged: None, onRemoteSubscribeFallbackToAudioOnly: None, onLocalPublishFallbackToAudioOnly: None, onUserEnableLocalVideo: None, onRemoteVideoStateChanged: None, onVideoDeviceStateChanged: None, onAudioEffectFinished: None, onRemoteAudioMixingEnd: None, onRemoteAudioMixingBegin: None, onCameraExposureAreaChanged: None, onCameraFocusAreaChanged: None, onCameraReady: None, onAudioDeviceStateChanged: None, onUserEnableVideo: None, onFirstRemoteVideoFrame: None, onFirstLocalVideoFrame: None, onRemoteAudioStats: None, onRemoteVideoStats: None, onLocalVideoStats: None, onNetworkQuality: None, onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire: None, onVideoStopped: None, onAudioMixingStateChanged: None, onFirstRemoteAudioDecoded: None, onLocalVideoStateChanged: None, onNetworkTypeChanged: None, onRtmpStreamingStateChanged: None, onLastmileProbeResult: None, onLocalUserRegistered: None, onUserInfoUpdated: None, onLocalAudioStateChanged: None, onRemoteAudioStateChanged: None, onLocalAudioStats: None, onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged: None, onChannelMediaRelayEvent: None, onFacePositionChanged: None, onTestEnd: None, }); // If you do not have an App ID, see Appendix. rtc_engine.initialize("YOUR-APPID", agorartc_sys::agorartc::AREA_CODE::AREA_CODE_GLOBAL); rtc_engine.enable_video(); rtc_engine.join_channel("", "channel-name", "", 0u32); let mut input = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("error: unable to read user input"); rtc_engine.leave_channel(); rtc_engine.release(true); }
Add App ID.
If you do not have an App ID, see Appendix. Please obtain an App ID without token. Replace
inrtc_engine.initialize("YOUR-APPID", agorartc_sys::agorartc::AREA_CODE::AREA_CODE_GLOBAL);
with your App ID. -
Build your cargo project.
$ cargo build
Download the required SDK.
- (macOS) Download SDK Agora Video SDK for macOS. Unzip the downloaded SDK package and copy the
folder intotarget/debug
folder. - (Windows) Download SDK Agora Video SDK for Windows. Unzip the downloaded SDK package and copy the
files fromlibs/x86_64
- (macOS) Download SDK Agora Video SDK for macOS. Unzip the downloaded SDK package and copy the
Run demo.
$ cargo run
To use our SDK, you must obtain an app ID:
- Create a developer account at agora.io. Once you finish the sign-up process, you are redirected to the dashboard.
- Navigate in the dashboard tree on the left to Projects > Project List.
- Copy the app ID that you obtained from the dashboard into a text file. You will use it when you call our SDK.