

This API supports the following operations:

  1. Get the list of all flight tickets for sale
  2. Get details of one single flight ticket
  3. Login/register a user
  4. Add a flight ticket to cart
  5. Get the list of all tickets in cart
  6. Move a ticket from cart to history (i.e. the ticket is purchased)
  7. Get the list of all purchased tickets (i.e. history)
  8. Get details of a ticket in cart or history


Run the API locally

docker run -dp sxweetlollipop2912/flight-booking-api

Then, test the API at http://localhost:80/docs#


  1. View available tickets: GET /api/tickets
  2. Login/Register a user: POST /api/login/access-token
  3. Add ticket to cart: POST /api/items/, set has_purchased to false
  4. Move ticket from cart to history: PUT /api/items/{id}, set has_purchased to true
  5. View cart: GET /api/items/cart
  6. View history: GET /api/items/history