
Modularizing redux with react component.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Redux-arena is a tool for modularizing redux/redux-saga with react component. Scope redux/redux-saga within bundle, and auto clear redux/redux-saga in bundle after react component unmounted.

Why redux-arena

Redux is a great state management container, I love redux-saga and react-router very much. But when I am developing a webapp for management console, packaging a dozen url related page-components into one entity is annoying.

Every url related page-component in management console webapp is nearly independent, but when we register its state and reducer in original redux, states and reducers will work all life-circle of redux. That's not necessary, it will cause some problems like same action type conflict, reducer inefficient, etc.

Redux-arena is designed to solve these problems once and for all, when scene changed, the state, actions, reducer, and saga will be replaced by redux-arena, looks like the two scene connected with irrelevant store.

And any issue or pr is welcomed.


npm install redux-arena --save

An complete example is under /example directory, including a lot of HOC. And add redux-devtools for state changing show. Online example can be found here: Here


Quick Start

  1. Bundle react component, actions, reducer, saga, mapStateToProps and export.

redux-arena extends original mapStateToProps, reducerKey is created by redux-arena and referring to current bundle state.

import state from "./state";
import saga from "./saga";
import reducer from "./reducer";
import * as actions from "./actions";
import PageA from "./PageA";

export default {
  Component: PageA,
  mapStateToProps: function mapStateToProps(state, reducerKey) {
    return {
      pageA: state[reducerKey].pageA,
      name: state[reducerKey].name,
      dynamicState: state[reducerKey].dynamicState,
      cnt: state[reducerKey].cnt
  1. Replace Switch/Route of react-router with ArenaSwitch/RouteScene
import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { bindActionCreators } from "redux";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { BrowserRouter, Link } from "react-router-dom";
import { RouteScene , ArenaSwitch } from "redux-arena";
import pageABundle from "./pageABundle";
import * as actions from "./actions";

const asyncPageB = import("./pageBBundle");
eport default class Frame extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
            <Link to="/pageA">pageA</Link>
            <Link to="/asyncPageB">asyncPageB</Link>
        <div style={{ marginTop: "1rem" }}>
              <RouteScene path="/pageA" sceneBundle={pageABundle} />
              <RouteScene path="/asyncPageB" asyncSceneBundle={asyncPageB} />
  1. Initial arenaStore and provide it for redux.
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { createArenaStore } from "redux-arena";
import Frame from "./Frame";
import thunk from "redux-thunk";

const store = createArenaStore();

const app = document.getElementById("app");
  <Provider store={store}>
    <Frame />
  function() {
    document.getElementById("app").className = "";


Redux-arena provide a set of useful HOCs to enhence react-router.


If route is not necessary, use SoloScene.

<SoloScene asyncSceneBundle={asyncPageB} />


Instead of Switch of react-router.

    <RouteScene path="/pageA" sceneBundle={pageABundle} />
    <PrivateRouteScene path="/asyncPageB" asyncSceneBundle={asyncPageB} />


An enhenced Route witch accept sceneBundle prop. Support asyncSceneBundle for code splitting. Prop exact and strict and other props defined in Route of react-router will work.

<RouteScene path="/asyncPageB" asyncSceneBundle={asyncPageB} exact strict />


An enhenced RouteScene whitch accept onValidate onPass and onReject props. Helpful when integrating with access control system.

<PrivateRouteScene path="/asyncPageB" 


redux-arena extends reducer of redux, add incoming reducerKey, comparing to _sceneReducerKey of action and decide updating or not.

// original reducer
function reducer(state = initState, action){

// extended reducer
function reducer(state = initState, action, reducerKey){

With sceneReducer, reducer will only accept action dispatched from current bundle.

import { sceneReducer } from "redux-arena/sceneScope";

function reducer(state = initState, action, reducerKey){

export default sceneReducer(reducer)

Saga operations

With setSceneState and getSceneState, getting and updating bundle state easily.

import { setSceneState, getSceneState } from "redux-arena/sagaOps";

function * doSomthing(){
  let { a } = yield* getSceneState()
  yield* setSceneState({ a:a+1 })

With sceneActionSaga, action saga will only accept action dispatched from current bundle.

import { sceneActionSaga } from "redux-arena/sceneScope";
import { setSceneState } from "redux-arena/sagaOps";

function * doSomthing({ payload }){
  yield* setSceneState({ payload })

export function* saga (){
  yield takeLatest("DO_SOMETHING",sceneActionSaga(doSomthing))