
Implementation of the BLUE benchmark with Transformers.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

BLUE Benchmark with Transformers

***** New May 14th, 2020: ouBioBERT (full) is released *****
***** New April 15th, 2020: released *****

Thank you for your interest in our research!
The biomedical language understanding evaluation (BLUE) benchmark is a collection of resources for evaluating and analyzing biomedical natural language representation models (Peng et al., 2019).
This repository provides our implementation of fine-tuning for the BLUE benchmark with 🤗/Transformers.
Our demonstration models are available now.


  1. Download the benchmark dataset from https://github.com/ncbi-nlp/BLUE_Benchmark
  2. Save pre-trained models to your directory. For example, BioBERT, clinicalBERT, SciBERT, BlueBERT and so on.
  3. Try to use our code in utils. Examples of the command can be found in scripts.


If you download Tensorflow models, converting them into PyTorch ones comforts your fine-tuning.
Converting Tensorflow Checkpoints

export BERT_BASE_DIR=/path/to/bert/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12

transformers-cli convert --model_type bert \
  --tf_checkpoint $BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_model.ckpt \
  --config $BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_config.json \
  --pytorch_dump_output $BERT_BASE_DIR/pytorch_model.bin

Our models

  • Demonstration models for our research
    • ouBioBERT-Base, Uncased # 20200514 (recommended)
      • the best score on the BLUE benchmark
      • trained on Focused PubMed abstracts with the Other PubMed abstracts.
      • max_seq_length=512
      • also community-uploaded on Hugging Face, refer to https://huggingface.co/models.
      • the sample command of the fine-tuning is here.
    • ouBioBERT-Base, Uncased (demo) # 20200415
      • trained on Focused PubMed abstracts with the Other PubMed abstracts.
      • max_seq_length=128
    • BERT (sP + B + enW) # 20200512
      • a validation model for our method.
      • trained on a small biomedical corpus with BooksCorpus and Wikipedia.
Abbr. Corpus Words Size Domain
enW English Wikipedia 2,200M 13GB General
B BooksCorpus 850M 5GB General
sP Small PubMed abstracts 30M 0.2GB BioMedical
fP Focused PubMed abstracts 280M 1.8GB BioMedical
oP Other PubMed abstracts 2,800M 18GB BioMedical

Table: List of the text corpora used for our models.

  • Small PubMed abstracts (sP): extracted from PubMed baseline more associated with clinical research and translational research of human disease by using each MeSH IDs.
  • Focused PubMed abstracts (fP): articles more related to human beings.
  • Other PubMed abstracts (oP): articles other than Focused PubMed abstracts.


Total MedSTS BIOSSES BC5CDR disease BC5CDR chemical ShARe CLEFE DDI ChemProt i2b2 HoC MedNLI
BERT (sP+B+enW) 81.4 83.2 89.7 85.7 91.8 79.1 78.4 67.5 73.1 85.3 80.1
BERT-BASE 54.8 52.1 34.9 66.5 76.7 56.1 35.3 29.8 51.1 78.2 67.0
BioBERT (v1.1) 82.9 85.0 90.9 85.8 93.2 76.9 80.9 73.2 74.2 85.9 83.1
clinicalBERT 81.2 82.7 88.0 84.6 92.5 78.0 76.9 67.6 74.3 86.1 81.4
SciBERT 82.0 84.0 85.5 85.9 92.7 77.7 80.1 71.9 73.3 85.9 83.2
BlueBERT (P) 82.9 85.3 88.5 86.2 93.5 77.7 81.2 73.5 74.2 86.2 82.7
BlueBERT (P+M) 81.8 84.4 85.2 84.6 92.2 79.5 79.3 68.8 75.7 85.2 82.8

Table: BLUE scores of BERT (sP + B + W) compared with those of all the BERT-Base variants for the biomedical domain as of April 2020.
Bold indicates the best result of all.

Total MedSTS BIOSSES BC5CDR disease BC5CDR chemical ShARe CLEFE DDI ChemProt i2b2 HoC MedNLI
ouBioBERT 83.8
BioBERT (v1.1) 82.8
BlueBERT (P) 82.9
BlueBERT (P+M) 81.6

Table: Performance of ouBioBERT on the BLUE task.
The numbers are mean (standard deviation) on five different random seeds.
The best scores are in bold.

Table of Contents

BLUE Tasks

Corpus Train Dev Test Task Metrics Domain
MedSTS 675 75 318 Sentence similarity Pearson Clinical
BIOSSES 64 16 20 Sentence similarity Pearson Biomedical
BC5CDR-disease 4182 4244 4424 Named-entity recognition F1 Biomedical
BC5CDR-chemical 5203 5347 5385 Named-entity recognition F1 Biomedical
ShARe/CLEFE 4628 1065 5195 Named-entity recognition F1 Clinical
DDI 2937 1004 979 Relation extraction micro F1 Biomedical
ChemProt 4154 2416 3458 Relation extraction micro F1 Biomedical
i2b2-2010 3110 10 6293 Relation extraction micro F1 Clinical
HoC 1108 157 315 Document classification F1 Biomedical
MedNLI 11232 1395 1422 Inference accuracy Clinical

Sentence similarity

  • The sentence-similarity task is to predict similarity scores on the basis of sentence pairs.
  • Metrics: Pearson correlation coefficients


MedSTS is a corpus of sentence pairs selected from the clinical data warehouse of Mayo Clinic and was used in the BioCreative/OHNLP Challenge 2018 Task 2 as ClinicalSTS (Wang et al., 2018).
Please visit the website or contact to the 1st author to obtain a copy of the dataset.


BIOSSES is a corpus of sentence pairs selected from the Biomedical Summarization Track Training Dataset in the biomedical domain (Soğancıoğlu et al., 2017).

Known problems

The BIOSSES dataset is very small, therefore it causes unstable performance of fine-tuning.

Named-entity recognition

  • The aim of the Named-entity recognition task is to predict mention spans given in a text.
  • Metrics: strict version of F1-score (exact phrase matching).
    • We use a primitive approach descirbed below to deal with disjoint mentions.

Known problems

There are some irregular patterns:

  • starting with I: caused by long phrases split in the middle (example).
  • I next to O: due to discontinuous mentions. It is often observed in ShARe/CLEFE (example).

conlleval.py appears to count them as different phrases.
Then, we manage this problem by the following method on evaluation:

  1. Example:
index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
y_true O O B I O O B I O I O B I I I I O
y_pred O O B I O O B I O O O B I I I O I
  1. skip blank line and concat all the tags in the sentence into a one-dimensional array.
index 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 18 19
y_true O O B I O O B I O I O B I I I I O
y_pred O O B I O O B I O O O B I I I O I
  1. get the token index of phrases that start with B.
  • y_true: 2_3, 7_8_10, 13_14_15_17_18
  • y_pred: 2_3, 7_8, 13_14_15_17_19
  1. calculate metrics: utils/metrics/ner.py
y_true = set(y_true)
y_pred = set(y_pred)

TP = len(y_true & y_pred)           # 1: {2_3}
FN = len(y_true) - TP               # 2: {7_8_10, 13_14_15_17_18}
FP = len(y_pred) - TP               # 2: {7_8, 13_14_15_17_19}
prec = TP / (TP + FP)               # 1 / (1 + 2) = 0.33
rec = TP / (TP + FN)                # 1 / (1 + 2) = 0.33
fb1 = 2 * rec * prec / (rec + prec) # = 0.33


tag of tokens Train Dev Test
starting with B 4182 4244 4424
starting with I 0 0 0
I next to O 0 0 0
Total 4182 4244 4424

BC5CDR is a collection of 1,500 PubMed titles and abstracts selected from the CTD-Pfizer corpus and was used in the BioCreative V chemical-disease relation task (Li et al., 2016).


tag of tokens Train Dev Test
starting with B 5203 5347 5385
starting with I 2 0 1
I next to O 0 0 0
Total 5205 5347 5386

An example of starting with I: test.tsv#L78550-L78598

Compound	10510854	553	O  
7e	-	562	O  
,	-	564	O  
5	-	566	B  
-	-	567	I  
{	-	568	I  
2	-	569	I  
-	-	570	I  
// -------------
1H	-	637	I  
-	-	639	I  
indol	10510854	641	I  
-	-	646	I  
2	-	647	I  
-	-	648	I  
one	-	649	I  
,	-	652	O  
// -------------


tag of tokens Train Dev Test
starting with B 4628 1065 5195
starting with I 6 1 17
I next to O 517 110 411
Total 5151 1176 5623

ShARe/CLEFE eHealth Task 1 Corpus is a collection of 299 clinical free-text notes from the MIMIC II database (Suominen et al.,2013).
Please visit the website and sign up to obtain a copy of the dataset.
An example of I next to O: Test.tsv#L112-L118
You'd better check out these original files, too:

  • Task1Gold_SN2012/Gold_SN2012/00176-102920-ECHO_REPORT.txt#L2
  • Task1TestSetCorpus100/ALLREPORTS/00176-102920-ECHO_REPORT.txt#L21
The	00176-102920-ECHO_REPORT	426	O
left	-	430	B
atrium	-	435	I
is	-	442	O
moderately	-	445	O
dilated	-	456	I
.	-	463	O

Relation extraction

  • The aim of the relation-extraction task is to predict relations and their types between the two entities mentioned in the sentences. The relations with types were compared to annotated data.
  • Following the implimentation of the BLUE benchmark, we treated the relation extraction task as a sentence classification by replacing two named entity mentions of interest in the sentence with predefined tags (Lee et al., 2019).
    • ORIGINAL: Citalopram protected against the RTI-76-induced inhibition of SERT binding.
    • REPLACED: @CHEMICAL$ protected against the RTI-76-induced inhibition of @GENE$ binding.
    • RELATION: citalopram and SERT has a chemical-gene relation.
  • Evaluation:
    1. predict classes containing "false".
    2. aggregate TP, FN, and FP in each class.
    3. calculate metrics excluding the "false" class.
  • Metrics: micro-average F1-score.


class Train Dev Test note
DDI-advise 633 193 221 a recommendation or advice regarding a drug interaction is given.
e.g. UROXATRAL should not be used in combination with other alpha-blockers.
DDI-effect 1212 396 360 DDIs describing an effect or a pharmacodynamic (PD) mechanism.
e.g. In uninfected volunteers, 46% developed rash while receiving SUSTIVA and clarithromycin.
Chlorthalidone may potentiate the action of other antihypertensive drugs.
DDI-int 146 42 96 a DDI appears in the text without providing any additional information.
e.g. The interaction of omeprazole and ketoconazole has been established.
DDI-mechanism 946 373 302 drug-drug interactions (DDIs) described by their pharmacokinetic (PK) mechanism.
e.g. Grepafloxacin may inhibit the metabolism of theobromine.
DDI-false 15842 6240 4782
Total 2937

DDI extraction 2013 corpus is a collection of 792 texts selected from the DrugBank database and other 233 Medline abstracts (Herrero-Zazo et al., 2013).


class Train Dev Test note
CPR:6 235 199 293 ANTAGONIST
false 15306 9404 13485
Total 4154

ChemProt comprises 1,820 PubMed abstracts with chemical–protein interactions and was used in the BioCreative VI text mining chemical–protein interac-tions shared task (Krallinger et al, 2017).

i2b2 2010

class Train Dev Test note
PIP 755 0 1448 Medical problem indicates medical problem.
TeCP 158 8 338 Test conducted to investigate medical problem.
TeRP 993 0 2060 Test reveals medical problem.
TrAP 883 2 1732 Treatment is administered for medical problem.
TrCP 184 0 342 Treatment causes medical problem.
TrIP 51 0 152 Treatment improves medical problem.
TrNAP 62 0 112 Treatment is not administered because of medical problem.
TrWP 24 0 109 Treatment worsens medical problem.
false 19050 86 36707 They are in the same sentence, but do not fit into one of the above defined relationships.
Total 3110

i2b2 2010 shared task collection comprises 170 documents for training and 256 for testing (Uzuner et al., 2011).

Known problems

The development dataset is very small, then it is difficult to determine the best model.

Document multilabel classification

  • The multilabel-classification task predicts multiple labels from the texts.


label Train Dev Test
0 458 71 138
1 148 33 45
2 164 14 35
3 213 30 52
4 264 34 70
5 563 58 150
6 238 39 80
7 596 92 145
8 723 86 184
9 346 55 119

Labels: (IM) Activating invasion & metastasis, (ID) Avoiding immune destruction, (CE) Deregulating cellular energetics, (RI) Enabling replicative immortality, (GS) Evading growth suppressors, (GI) Genome instability & mutation, (A) Inducing angiogenesis, (CD) Resisting cell death, (PS) Sustaining proliferative signaling, (TPI) tumor promoting inflammation
Note: This table shows the number of each label on the sentence level, rather than on the abstract level.

  • Train: sentences: 10527/ articles: 1108
  • Dev: sentences: 1496/ articles: 157
  • Test: sentences: 2896/ articles: 315

HoC (the Hallmarks of Cancers corpus) comprises 1,580 PubMed publication abstracts manually annotated using ten currently known hallmarks of cancer (Baker et al., 2016).

Inference task


class Train Dev Test
contradiction 3744 465 474
entailment 3744 465 474
neutral 3744 465 474
Total 11232 1395 1422

MedNLI is a collection of sentence pairs selected from MIMIC-III (Romanov and Shivade, 2018).
Please visit the website and sign up to obtain a copy of the dataset.

Total score

Following the practice in Peng et al. (2019), we use a macro-average of Pearson scores and F1-scores to determine a pre-trained model's position.
The results are above.


If you use our work in your research, please kindly cite the following papers:
the original paper of the BLUE Benchmark

  • Peng Y, Yan S, Lu Z. Transfer Learning in Biomedical Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation of BERT and ELMo on Ten Benchmarking Datasets. In Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP 2019). 2019:58-65.

Our research

Author = {Shoya Wada and Toshihiro Takeda and Shiro Manabe and Shozo Konishi and Jun Kamohara and Yasushi Matsumura},
Title = {A pre-training technique to localize medical BERT and enhance BioBERT},
Year = {2020},
Eprint = {arXiv:2005.07202},


This work was supported by Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP), "Innovative AI Hospital System" (Funding Agency: National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (NIBIOHN)).


We are grateful to the authors of BERT to make the data and codes publicly available. We thank the NVIDIA team because their implementation of BERT for PyTorch enabled us to pre-train BERT models on our local machine. We would also like to thank Yifan Peng and shared-task organizers for publishing the BLUE benchmark.
