
A guide on how to set up a Raspberry Pi Hadoop Cluster

Setup a Raspberry Pi Hadoop Cluster


  • 3 (or more) Raspberry Pi 4 Model B+
  • HDMI monitor
  • Micro-HDMI cable to HDMI cable
  • Keyboard and mouse
  • Ethernet cable
  • Network switch


  • You already have the latest Raspberry Pi OS installed on the Raspberry Pis.
  • You have connected the network switch to the internet by some uplink.

Setting up the Raspberry Pis

First, we must get the Raspberry Pis up to speed before we download or install anything.

Turning on the Raspberry Pi

Due some quirks, the recommended way to connect things to the Raspberry Pi is in the following order:

  1. micro-HDMI input to HDMI 0 on the Raspberry Pi and then the HDMI output to the screen,
  2. Ethernet cable from the Raspberry Pi to the network switch,
  3. Keyboard and mouse to USB ports,
  4. USB Type-C power output to the Raspberry Pi USB Type-C socket,
  5. USB mains input to the mains switch/plug.

Give it some time to fully start up; you will be ready when you see the login screen (if you installed the headless version) or the desktop (if you installed the desktop version).

Configuring the Raspberry Pi

The very first thing to do is to configure the Raspberry Pis to make it usable for a cluster. Open a terminal and type in the following command:

sudo raspi-config

A text UI will then allow you to change several options for the Raspberry Pi. We will need to change the following options for each of the Raspberry Pi:

  • System options:
    • Change password
    • Change hostname (make sure each Raspberry Pi gets a distinct hostname)
  • Interface options:
    • Enable SSH
    • Enable VNC (optional; only if you have the desktop version installed)
  • Localization options
    • Language set to en-US UTF-8
    • Timezone to Asia/Dubai (or wherever you are)
    • Keyboard to 104-keys + English (US)
    • WLAN to AE

Once we are done, we can reboot the Raspberry Pis.

Updating the APT repository and software

A fresh install of Raspberry Pi OS can have outdated libraries and such which may cause trouble down the line. Open up a terminal and type in the following:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

This will update the Raspberry pi with the latest repository packages and software.

Installing Java Development Kit 8

Hadoop is recommended to be installed with a certain version of Java. In particular, Hadoop 3.2.2 (which we will be using in this tutorial) requires Java version 1.8.0.

Installing via APT

We can install this version of Java from the command line:

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk -y

Once the install is complete, check that you get the following when you run this command in the terminal:

$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_212"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-8u212-b01-1+rpi1-b01)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 25.212-b01, mixed mode)

The version number after the _ might be different depending on how far in the future you may be doing this tutorial but as long as 1.8.0 is installed, you should be good.

Setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable

It is common to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable after installing Java. The JAVA_HOME environment variable refers to a folder in the filesystem where the Java binaries and libraries are stored. However, it can be confusing as to where this folder is. One way to probe for this folder is to use the readlink command to find where the java program is really at.

(~/) $ which java
/usr/bin/java  # This is a general binaries folder. Not quite...

(~/) $ readlink $(which java)
/etc/alternatives/java  # This is yet another general binaries folder...

(~/) $ readlink $(readlink $(which java))
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-armhf/jre/bin/java  # BINGO!

Java should be installed somewhere under the /usr/lib folder in Debian distributions. This may be different in other flavors of Linux. In any case, what we need is just the path up to the jre folder.

To set the environment variable, edit the ~/.bashrc file and add the following lines to the bottom of the file.

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-armhf/jre"

Installing Hadoop

Hadoop can be installed rather simply by downloading the precompiled binaries and moving it to a suitable location so that it can be accessed by the pi user.

To minimize workload: run these commands on a single Raspberry Pi and use rsync later to sync all the folders with all the Pis.

Downloading Hadoop

We will be using Hadoop 3.2.2 for this tutorial. You can find the link to the download page here. On that site, select the HTTP mirror and download hadoop-3.2.2.tar.gz.

Depending on where the file is downloaded, we will need to go into that folder in the terminal and extract the files. This is done with a one-liner:

cd Downloads  # or wherever it is you downloaded Hadoop
tar xvf hadoop-3.2.2.tar.gz

There will be a bunch of outputs; but once everything is done, there should be a folder called hadoop-3.2.2.tar.gz in the directory. To make it more easily accessible, we will move it into the /opt folder.

sudo mv hadoop-3.2.2 /opt

Enabling Hadoop binaries in Bash

While Hadoop is installed in a directory where it is workable, the Hadoop binaries in /opt/hadoop-3.2.2/bin is not accessible to the command line yet. To remedy this, edit the ~/.bashrc file and include the following line.

export PATH='/opt/hadoop-3.2.2/bin:/opt/hadoop-3.2.2/sbin:$PATH'

Once you close and reopen the terminal window, you should be able to run the Hadoop commands in the binaries folder.

Testing that Hadoop is working

If you haven't missed a step until now, chances are you will have Hadoop installed and ready to work with. To check that this is working you can run the command

hdfs dfs
# Possible outputs:
# a) ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and could not be found.
#    ... etc etc

If it returns an error such as in a), check that your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set in ~/.bashrc. You can check that is it set by typing


and ensuring that JAVA_HOME is set to the appropriate JRE folder. If you get b), then you're good.

Standalone Mode

Refer to the official Hadoop documentation for more information regarding this section.

Hadoop should be running in Standalone Mode right now. To check this, simply create a new folder and download some text data from the web.

mkdir input
wget -O input/input.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/karpathy/char-rnn/master/data/tinyshakespeare/input.txt
hadoop jar /opt/hadoop-3.2.2/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.2.2.jar wordcount input output
cat output/* | sort -n -k 2

However, this only really useful for checking that Hadoop is working on your Pi.

Pseudo-Distributed Mode

Refer to the official Hadoop documentation for more information regarding this section.

You can simulate a Hadoop single-node cluster by configuring some of the XML files in the /opt/hadoop-3.2.2/etc/hadoop directory. But before going into that, we must first prepare the Pi so that it can do a few things.

Generating a SSH key

To enable your Pi to log in to... itself (lol) without a password (lmao), just run

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Feel free to accept the defaults for the remaining questions. Now you have a SSH private key and public key. All that is left is to allow your Pi to trust itself as a SSH server.

ssh-copy-id localhost

Enter your password and done.

Configuring Hadoop

Go into the directory /opt/hadoop-3.2.2/etc/hadoop. We will update the hadoop-env.sh file and update the following section to include our JAVA_HOME environment variable and our Hadoop installation folder.

# hadoop-env.sh
# Technically, the only required environment variable is JAVA_HOME.
# All others are optional.  However, the defaults are probably not
# preferred.  Many sites configure these options outside of Hadoop,
# such as in /etc/profile.d

# The java implementation to use. By default, this environment
# variable is REQUIRED on ALL platforms except OS X!
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-armhf"

# Location of Hadoop.  By default, Hadoop will attempt to determine
# this location based upon its execution path.
export HADOOP_HOME="/opt/hadoop-3.2.2"

Also, we will edit the core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml files and include the following lines, respectively

<!-- core-site.xml -->


<!-- hdfs-site.xml -->

The core-site.xml configuration tells Hadoop where to serve the filesystem (in this case, it will be served on localhost at port 9000), while the hdfs-site.xml configuration tells Hadoop what the replication factor of a file should be. In this case, we only replicate files once (i.e. not replicate files, since we only have node).

Finally, we will update the mapred-site.xml and yarn-site.xml to enable YARN-based processing.

<!-- yarn-site.xml -->


<!-- mapred-site.xml -->

The only real important property here is the mapreduce.framework.name value being set to yarn. This allows YARN to control the cluster but since there's only one node at the moment, it's basically a single node YARN at the moment. The yarn.nodemanager.env-whitelist and mapreduce.application.classpath properties are there to enable YARN to find certain libraries and tools that it needs.

Setting up HDFS

To ensure that HDFS will be used in the pseudo-distributed mode, we need to format the namenode.

hdfs namenode -format

We are now ready to run the Hadoop as a service (daemon). Simply run


If you now point your browser to localhost:9870, you will see the Hadoop server running. You can find logs in the /opt/hadoop-3.2.2/logs directory.

Make the HDFS directories required to execute MapReduce jobs:

hdfs dfs -mkdir /user
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/<username>

Starting YARN



Running a task and saving into HDFS

Copy the input folder from the Pi into HDFS:

hdfs dfs -put input input

Run a word count:

hadoop jar /opt/hadoop-3.2.2/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.2.2.jar wordcount input output

Look at the results. The sort part sorts the output so that the most common word is at the end:

hdfs dfs -cat output/* | sort -n -k 2

Download the file from HDFS:

hdfs dfs -get output
cat output/* | sort -n -k 2

Distributed Cluster Mode

Refer to the official Hadoop documentation for more information regarding this section.

Now we are ready to set up the Hadoop cluster with workers and everything. Get all your 3 Raspberry Pis and connect them using the network switch with the uplink connected to port number 1 on the switch. Make sure the other Pis have Hadoop installed, follow the instructions of this guide up until (but not including) Standalone Mode.

Set one of the Pis as the master (or Namenode) and the remaining Pis as workers (or Datanodes).

Note: it is important that each Pi get a different hostname! We will only work on the master node and use SSH to move and copy files between the Pis.

Setting up communication

First, let's find out what our IP address is:

ip addr show eth0 | grep inet

The output should be something like

inet xx.xx.xx.xx/24 brd yy.yy.yy.255 scope global dynamic eth0
inet6 zzzz::zzzz:zzzz:zzzz:zzzz/64 scope link

The xx.xx.xx.xx is your IP address. On the namenode, edit the /etc/hosts file and change the IP address of your PI to this value.

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Update the lines as follows.

# /etc/hosts	localhost
::1		localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1		ip6-allnodes
ff02::2		ip6-allrouters

xx.xx.xx.xx master  # Would be something like ` master` before

Now, we need to know what the IP address of the other Pis are. An easy way to get this information is to use ping on the hostname of the other Pis. For example:

ping <another-pis-hostname>.local  # e.g. ping worker-01.local

The output may look something like

PING worker-01.local (aa.aa.aa.aa) 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from (aa.aa.aa.aa): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.76 ms
64 bytes from (aa.aa.aa.aa): icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.751 ms
64 bytes from (aa.aa.aa.aa): icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.731 ms

Therefore aa.aa.aa.aa if the IP address of that worker. You should add this entry into /etc/hosts. Repeat the same steps for the other Pis to get their IP addresses and add them into the file too.

# /etc/hosts	localhost
::1		localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1		ip6-allnodes
ff02::2		ip6-allrouters

xx.xx.xx.xx	master
aa.aa.aa.aa	worker-01
bb.bb.bb.bb	worker-02
# etc ...

Once this file is completed, we must first enable password-less SSH from the master node to the worker nodes.

ssh-copy-id pi@worker-01
ssh-copy-id pi@worker-02
# etc ...

Once that's done, we must copy the /etc/hosts to all the other Pis so that all Pis have the same /etc/hosts file and is able to communicate with one another. This can be done by through the following command:

cat /etc/hosts | ssh pi@worker-01 "sudo tee /etc/hosts"
cat /etc/hosts | ssh pi@worker-02 "sudo tee /etc/hosts"
# etc ...

Hadoop configuration for Cluster Mode

Refer to the official Hadoop documentation for more information regarding this section.

First thing we should edit is the workers file in the Hadoop configuration directory. This file contains the hostnames of the Pis that we are explicitly asking to be workers. In this case, we are only going to let the workers do the work and the master is going to be a manager.

Note: make sure you stop all HDFS and YARN daemons before going forward. An easy way to do this is just to run


Let's begin the configuration with the workers file. Just list all the hostname of the workers that you have according to the name in /etc/hosts.

Note: Assume all these files are in /opt/hadoop-3.2.2/etc/hadoop

# workers

Then we'll need to update a bunch of settings in the configuration folder (i.e. core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, yarn-site.xml). Let's start with the core-site.xml.

<!-- core-site.xml -->


Here we just change the hostname to master. Accordingly, you should set this value to the hostname of your master node as it is defined in the /etc/hosts file. Next is hdfs-site.xml.

<!-- hdfs-site.xml -->


There are quite a single change and a few introductions here. First, the dfs.replication value has increased to 3. This value should be equal to the number of workers or datanodes that you plan to have. A good rule of thumb is to make it equal to the number of lines in your workers file. Then we added 2 more properties to indicate where the namenode and datanode directories are.

<!-- yarn.site -->


Here we only added one property which is the yarn.resourcemanager.hostname and set it to the master node. This tells the master node to be the manager and the one to whom the workers will communicate with to perform tasks.

Syncing the configuration

We've changed quite a few files here. What's the best way to sync all the configurations to all the Pis? rsync. Do this only from the master node to the worker nodes. rsync works by sending changes in directories; if a file has not been changed, it will not be copied.

rsync -azP /opt/hadoop-3.2.2/etc/hadoop/* pi@worker-01:/opt/hadoop-3.2.2/etc/hadoop
rsync -azP /opt/hadoop-3.2.2/etc/hadoop/* pi@worker-02:/opt/hadoop-3.2.2/etc/hadoop
# etc ...

Formatting cluster HDFS

Before starting the HDFS, we need to create the namenode and datanode directories in each of the respective nodes.

Now to create the directories.

mkdir -p /opt/hadoop/namenode
ssh worker-01 "mkdir -p /opt/hadoop/datanode"
ssh worker-02 "mkdir -p /opt/hadoop/datanode"
# etc ...

Then we need to format HDFS.

hdfs namenode -format "whatever"  # Whatever cluster name you want.

Starting the cluster

Same stuff:


Make sure you point to http://master:9870/dfshealth.html#tab-datanode in the browser to check that the datanodes are alive. If not, a configuration is incorrect or you might be missing a worker or something. Try retracing back your steps.



You can check http://master:8088/cluster to see if YARN is up and running.

mapred --daemon start historyserver

Finished or stopped jobs are listed here at http://master:19888/jobhistory.

Running a large job

To test that everything is working, we should run a job on a big enough such that we can see all the workers actively processing things.

First, let's get a relatively bigger dataset than the one previously downloaded.

wget -O ~/wikitext-103-v1.zip https://s3.amazonaws.com/research.metamind.io/wikitext/wikitext-103-v1.zip
unzip wikitext-103-v1.zip

Then we need to put it into the HDFS.

hdfs dfs -put wikitext-103 wikitext

Now we are ready to run a word count job.

Note: to check that all workers are actually doing the work, open separate windows of terminals and ssh into the workers and run htop to see the processor used. If the workers' bars are jumping around that means you've got it right.

hadoop jar /opt/hadoop-3.2.2/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.2.2.jar wordcount wikitext wikiout

Once the job is done, you can view the output in HDFS.

hdfs dfs -cat wikiout/*

Bonus: Hadoop Streaming

With Hadoop streaming, you can create your own functions rather than use the prepared tasks in the hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.2.2.jar.

Suppose we want not just to get the most common word but rather to find the most common two words (or word bigrams). This functionality is not available in the example MapReduce JAR, however, you can program your own custom functions.

Rather than resorting to Java, which is the preferred programming language of Hadoop's JAR, we can instead use whatever program we want as long at it takes an input in the form of a stream.

Writing the mapper and reducer

We will use Python to program our functions and we will need two functions: a mapper and a reducer. Let's start with the mapper.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

for line in sys.stdin:
    line = line.strip()  # Removes any newline characters.
    tokens = line.split(' ')  # The wikitext words are separated by spaces.
    for i in range(len(tokens) - 1):
        bigram = f'({tokens[i]},{tokens[i+1]})'

The mapper just returns a tuple of bigrams. Now let's look at the reducer which just counts the bigrams as they appear in a sorted order.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

prev_bigram = None

for line in sys.stdin:
    curr_bigram = line.strip()  # Removes any newline characters.

    if prev_bigram is None:
        prev_bigram = curr_bigram
        count = 1

    if prev_bigram == curr_bigram:
        count += 1
        prev_bigram = curr_bigram
        count = 1


The reducer works by reading a sorted list of bigrams and keeping track of counts. When the current bigram changes, it will emit the last bigram and the count.

To test that this works, first enable the scripts to execute as programs.

chmod +x mapper.py reducer.py

Then simply run

cat wikitext-103/wiki.valid.tokens | ./mapper.py | sort | ./reducer.py

Running the bigram counter on the cluster

To run it on the cluster we must use Hadoop streaming and pass in the file that we want and these mapper and reducer Python files as well.

mapred streaming -files mapper.py,reducer.py -input wikitext -output bigrams -mapper mapper.py -reducer reducer.py

Note: sometimes jobs can fail due to bad code or unforeseen edge cases. To debug, you would go to master:8088 and find the job that failed and go into that worker's web service and go through the logs for the particular application that was running.

Once it is done you can have a look at the outputs as we did before. We'll sort it by the most frequent:

hdfs dfs -cat bigrams/* | sort -n -k 2