
AI adventures with the Google Chrome T-rex runner easter egg

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Adventures into AI: the Chrome T-Rex Runner

Tested on Ubuntu 16.04, with Python 3.5.4, OpenCV 3.1.0. Likely not to work on Windows or Mac OSX.


Compile the C library prtscr.c for fast screen capture in X11 environments (courtesy of this SO answer).

gcc -shared -O3 -lX11 -fPIC -Wl,-soname,prtscn -o prtscn.so prtscn.c
# use the command below if the above command doesn't work
# gcc -shared -O3 -fPIC -Wl,-soname,prtscn -o prtscn.so prtscn.c -lX11

Note: The screen capture library can be too fast for some computers. Make sure you add a delay using time.sleep() to prevent crashes if you are using this library for your personal projects.

Run the agent, point to your browser window and run the game (you might want to adjust the FRAME_X and FRAME_Y position of the screen capture window to adapt for your monitor in config.py).

python agent_cv.py

Frame Sampling Rate Issues

It seems that the agents perform well on certain framerates. This is possibly due to the sampling rate of the KL Agent during data collection which was configured with a time.sleep() delay of 1/100. With the additional preprocessing of the image, it is likely that additional lag was introduced into the time delta between frames.

The optimal framerate that seems to be consistent over my PCs is by having a delay of 1/90. It may be better to try other values if the agent is not performing well on your system.


The T-rex runner game can be played on modern Google Chrome browsers when there is no internet connectivity. But there are open-source versions thanks to the Chromium project and the distribution used for this project is found at wayou's GitHub project.

The AI also uses typical Python libraries for matrix manipulations and keypress interfaces:

  • numpy >= 1.12: matrix handling
  • keras == 2.1.6: deep learning library. NB: Needed to load trained models.
  • opencv >= 3.1.0: fast image processing
  • PyUserInput == 0.1.11: automating user input to global windows
  • pyxhook for Python 3: global user inputs capturing for X11 environment

How it Works

Keyboard-Logging (KL) Agent

The KL Agent is not a game playing-agent, but instead is a data collection agent which interfaces with the user inputs as they play the game. The agent collects grayscale images of the game area (sized down to quarter size) and the corresponding action at that frame. The images and action vectors are then stored in an .npz file. Saving as .npy files are more performant.

Computer Vision (CV) Agent

The CV Agent a simple computer vision AI which finds the bounding boxes of approaching objects. If a cactus or a pterodactyl comes close enough to T-rex, the agent will press Space to indicate a jumping action. It also accounts for objects flying higher than the T-rex.

Convolutional Net (CN) Agent

The CN agent uses labelled images to predict the action on a particular frame. Using the training data collected by the KL agent, we have an image-action pair which can be subjected to a normal supervised learning optimization. The agent also shows the confidence of the predictions as bar plots on the top-left hand corner of the agent's screen.

The convolutional net used in this agent is a variant of the ZF Net presented by Zeiler and Fergus (2013) with the number of filters reduced to fit the problem at hand. This conv net predicts on a single image frame the action that needs to be executed. More details of the net can be found by exploring the model in Keras.

Another variant of the CN agent is also implemented to predict the action of the the lastest of 5 frames. The 5 most recent frames are stacked and then passed through the net. This convolutional net was inspired by Mnih et al. (2013); who featured a smaller convolutional network (than ZF Net) and is used in a Q-learning algorithm. Turned out it works well for supervised learning too. This is the best performing agent so far.

To switch between the two agents, switch out the commented lines in the bottom section of agent_cn.py.

Trained Agent Models

Trained models can be found in the recent releases.


This started as a OpenCV weekend exercise which went real. I want to see what the limits of ML are just based on captured images, rather than having "physics data" from the actual game. Things I'd like to try out:

  • Train an OpenCV agent.

    • Implemented agent_cv.py.
  • Train a conv net with supervised learning using ~50000 images.

    • Implemented agent_cn.py, and trained the DinoBot.h5 and DinoBotS.h5 Keras models.
    • Made smaller conv net models of DinoBot and DinoBotS.
  • Train a conv net with policy gradients.