Lost & Found (Backend)

Author: Syafiq Abdillah Umarghanis

Live Demo (Heroku)

You can access the live demo version at

Installation Manual

System Requirements

  1. Python 3.8.x
  2. Git 2.27.01


  1. Go to certain directory or make a new one. Let's call it LNF
    mkdir LNF && cd LNF
  2. Clone this repo to to LNF
    git clone https://github.com/syafiqabdillah/lostandfound-backend.git backend
  3. Download .env file that has been sent via email


  1. Go to LNF directory
  2. Go to backend directory cd backend
  3. Install virtual environment library for python if you don't have any similar library
    python install virtualenv
  4. Create a new environment
    virtualenv venv
  5. Enter the environment
    venv\Scripts\activate for Windows
    source venv/bin/activate for Linux & MacOS
  6. Install all dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Copy paste .env file for backend (sent via email) to backend directory
  8. Run the server
    uvicorn main:app --reload
  9. Check if server is running by opening http://localhost:8000 in your browser


Any questions or difficulties? Don't hesitate to ask me by posting new issue in this repo or sending me emails at abdillah.syafiq@gmail.com