Sistem Alumni Yayasan Asy Syaamil

Author: Syafiq Abdillah Umarghanis

System Requirements

  • Git
  • Node 12.x

Production Setup

  1. Clone app's repository using git
$ git clone
  1. Change current directory to sistem-alumni-web
$ cd sistem-alumni-web
  1. Install all dependencies
$ npm install
  1. Build the application
$ npm run build 
  1. Put .env file sent by email to sistem-alumni-web directory. This file contains 2 environtment variables like so
  1. Run the application
$ npm run start
  1. Now you're application will run on port 3000

Change Application's Port

  1. Stop the application process
  2. Open .env with your text editor of choice
  3. Change the PORT value
  1. Start the application
$ npm run build && npm run start

How to Update

  1. Stop the application process
$ killall node
  1. Pull the updated version from
$ git pull 
  1. Reinstall dependencies
$ npm install
  1. Rebuild the application
$ npm run build
  1. Run the application
$ npm run start