
A flask App to scrap API from The NY Times Most Popular Articles API

Primary LanguageHTML


A flask App to scrap API from The NY Times Most Popular Articles API

Getting Started



Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/syahmi001/WebAPIScrapping
cd WebAPIScrapping

Create a new virual environment:


conda create -n <env_name> python=3.8
conda activate <env_name>


python3 -m venv <env_name>
source <env_name>/bin/activate

Install all the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Adding .env file to project root:

For this step, you can either use your own API key or use the attached .env file.

  1. Use your own api:
    • Visit the official website here.
    • Register/Log in to your own account.
    • Get your API Key.
    • create .env file and put the value there. Example:
    # Environment variables for the project
    API_KEY=<Put your key here>
  2. Using the provided .env file:
    • Copy the .env file and put them at the root of the folder
    • The structure will be like this:
    ├── static             # CSS folder
    ├── templates          # HTML folder
    ├── utils              # Custom made Utils library to help with the automation scrapping script
    ├── .env <--(put here) # Automated tests (alternatively `spec` or `tests`)
    ├── app.py            # The main file to run Flask App
    ├── requirements.txt   # Requirement file to install
    └── README.md

Executing program

Run app.py to execute the program:

python app.py

To access the app, go to http://localhost:5000

Running the App in Docker

Build Docker Image:

To build docker image, simply run:

docker build --tag webapi-scrapper .

Run Docker Image:

To run the image, use the following command:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 webapi-scrapper

Then, the app is available at http://localhost:5000.

(Note: Don't forget to include .env file to be copied into your container!)


The app is deployed in heroku. To access it, you can click the link below:



The link in project's About at the top right of the Github page.