
Pair reversible partial functions for use with reversible Programs

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION

Reversible - experimental

This package defines some abstractions for working with pairs of functions which are reversible and partial.

Reversible.Iso defines reversible functions. Reversible builds upon this and defines reversible instructions compatible with DSL-Compose - an Operational-like DSL composition library.


Reversible.Iso defines Iso a b as an object which can translate between two types a and b with the possibility for failure in each direction. Round-trips should not fail. This is sometimes called a Partial Isomorphism.


A partial function is one that may fail. Parsing Text into some Expression is one such example.

parseExpr :: Text -> Maybe Expression

Reversible and partial

In some cases, there may be another partial function that goes in the 'opposite' direction. Printing an Expression to Text is a corresponding example.

printExpr :: Expression -> Maybe String

If a pair of partial functions are also 'reversible' then you should be able to roundtrip through them without changing the result. This means that:

parse . print . parse === parse
print . parse . print === print

This is not the same property as being able to compose one function with its inverse producing no change. For example you could imagine a parse function which accepts duplicate whitespace whereas the print function emits only one.

parse . print =/= id
print . parse =/= id

This pattern appears in a number of places, but particularly when parsing and unparsing between two formats of the same data.

parse unparse
parse :: Text -> Maybe Expression print :: Expression -> Maybe Text
toJSON :: JSON -> Maybe Text fromJSON :: Text -> Maybe a
serialize :: a -> Maybe ByteString unserialize :: ByteString -> Maybe a


This pattern is sometimes called a partial isomorphism. We'll call it an Iso

data Iso a b = Iso
  { forwards  :: a -> Maybe b
  , backwards :: b -> Maybe a

Our reversible functions can now be paired like so:

bytesTextIso :: Iso BytesString Text
textExprIso  :: Iso Text Expression
exprJsonIso  :: Iso Expression JSON
jsonTextIso  :: Iso JSON Text
textBytesIso :: Iso Text ByteString


We could chain these Isos together to:

  • Read a Bytestrings Textual representation
  • Parse Text to Expressions
  • Convert the Expression to JSON
  • Convert the JSON to its textual representation
  • Convert the Text back to Bytes to be transmitted over the network

Taking advantage of Maybe's Monad instance, we could use do notation and write:

do txt     <- parse bytesTextIso bsIn
   exp     <- parse textExprIso txt
   json    <- parse exprJsonIso exp
   jsonTxt <- parse jsonTextIso json
   bsOut   <- parse textBytesIso jsonText
   return bsOut

Or use bind directly:

parse bytesTextIso bsIn >>= parse textExprIso >>= parse exprJsonIso >>= parse jsonTextIso >>= parse textBytesIso


If we arrange the Iso's such that the type with the 'least' states comes first, then many operations will tend to chain only parses or only prints depending on whether we're parsing or printing as a whole.

Deciding on a definition of 'least' is sometimes non obvious or not particularly meaningful. textBytes and bytesText are both the 'same' Iso in two different directions.

It might be nice to be able to reverse an Iso..

reverse :: Iso a b -> Iso b a
reverse (Iso f g) = Iso g f

textBytesIso :: Iso Text BytesString
textBytesIso = reverse bytesTextIso

.. done!

Now we have a chain of parses like:

parse bytesTextIso bsIn >>= parse textExprIso >>= parse exprJsonIso >>= parse jsonTextIso >>= parse (reverse bytesTextIso)


It would be nicer still if we could compose Isos together and execute parse or print a single time. We can do that too:

composeIso :: Iso a b -> Iso b c -> Iso a c

Fortunately this forms a Category and so we can make use of Haskells existing composition function . rather than defining our own:

import Control.Category
instance Category Iso where

Our chain now looks like:

parse (bytesTextIso . textExprIso . exprJsonIso . jsonTextIso . reverse bytesTextIso) bsIn


The top-level Reversible module defines ReversibleInstr. This is a DSL-Compose style Instruction built upon Reversible.Iso. It is intended to represent 'Program's which may use Functor, Applicative and Alternative-like functions which can be reversed. This restriction results in incompatible type signatures to the standard type-classes.

Below is an overview of what is exported, mostly ignoring the why or how.

Reversible Functor

A regular Functors map has a signature like map :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. To make this reversible, we replace the function a -> b with an Iso a b from Reversible.Iso to produce rmap :: Iso a b -> Reversible i a -> Reversible i b. rmap is also named \$/.

Reversible Alternative

Alternative empty has a signature like empty :: f a. The reversible equivalent is rempty :: Reversible i a. rempty encodes the notion of failure.

Alternative <|> has a signature like <|> :: f a -> f a -> f a and encodes a notion of choice. \|/ :: Reversible i a -> Reversible i a -> Reversible i a.

Reversible Applicative

Applicative pure has a signature like pure :: a -> f a. To inject a value into a Reversible context, we add an equality constraint to a to produce rpure :: Eq a => a -> Reversible i a.

Applicative <*> has a signature like <*> :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. The equivalent tuples its results to permit reversal like \*/ :: Reversible i a -> Reversible i b -> Reversible i (a,b). This is typed this way to allow writing functions like isoF \$/ reversibleA \*/ reversibleB.

The equivalent to *> and <* are */ and \* their type signatures differ in that the value on the 'discarded' side must be (). I.E. */ :: Reversible i () -> Reversible i a -> Reversible i a NOT */ :: Reversible i b -> Reversible i a -> Reversible i a.


Combinators allowed, required, prefered are provided with signature :: Reversible i () -> Reversible i () and allow Reversibles to be ignored when applied in either direction.

allowed means a reversible computation is allowed to succeed when ran forwards but ignored backwards.

required means a reversible computation is required to succeed when ran forwards and runs backwards.

prefered means a reversible computation is allowed to succeed when ran forwards, and runs backwards.