
A snaplet wrapping access to AWS via the amazonka package.

Primary LanguageHaskellMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


A boilerplate snaplet to conveniently allow amazonka aws functions to be lifted into snap web handlers.


  1. Add the AWSEnv to your app's core state:
  import Snap.Snaplet.AWS

  data App = App
  ,_awsEnv :: Snaplet AWSEnv
  1. Derive (or manually create) lenses:
  makeLenses ''App
  1. Implement a HasEnv instance:
  instance HasEnv App where
    environment = awsEnv . environment
  1. In your initialisation function, intialise like so, providing the desired credential discovery method:
  app :: SnapletInit App App
  app = makeSnaplet "app" "Your application" Nothing $ do
    awsSnaplet <- nestSnaplet "aws" awsEnv $ awsEnvInit Discover
    return $ App ... awsSnaplet ...
  1. Ensure your Handler b v has a MonadCatch instance. E.G.
  -- Type-golf implementation...
  instance MonadCatch (Handler App App) where
    catch m f = join $ liftIO $ catch (return m) (\x -> return $ f x)
  1. You should now be able to call liftAWS to lift aws functions into your handler. E.G.:
 -- Send a test email to a given address, returning whether sending was deemed successful by AWS.
 sendTestEmail :: Text -> Handler App App Bool
 sendTestEmail emailTo = do
  let emailBodyText = "<h1>Test</h1>"

      emailFrom     = "test@ourAddress.com"
      emailTo       = destination & dToAddresses .~ [emailTo]

      emailSubject  = content "Test email"
      emailBody     = body & bHTML .~ (Just $ content $ emailBodyText)
      emailMessage  = message emailSubject emailBody

      awsEmail      = sendEmail emailFrom emailTo emailMessage

  resp <- liftAWS $ within Ireland $ send awsEmail
  case resp&.sersResponseStatus of
    200 -> return True
    _   -> return False