
A snaplet wrapping access to ElasticSearch via the bloodhound package.

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A boilerplate snaplet to conveniently allow bloodhound ElasticSearch functions to be lifted into snap web handlers.


  1. Add the BloodhoundEnv to your apps core state:
  import Snap.Snaplet.Bloodhound
  data App = App
    ,_bloodhoundEnv :: Snaplet BloodhoundEnv
  1. Derive (or manually create) lenses:
makeLenses ''App
  1. Implement a HasBHEnv instance:
  instance HasBHEnv App where
    bhEnv = bloodhoundEnv . bhEnv
  1. In your initialisation function, initialise like so, providing a value for server in the devel.cfg file found under the corresponding snaplet directory snaplets/bloodhound/devel.cfg.
  app :: SnapletInit App App
  app = makeSnaplet "app" "Your application" Nothing $ do
    bloodhoundSnaplet <- nestSnaplet "bloodhound" bloodhoundEnv bloodhoundEnvInit
    return $ App ... bloodhoundSnaplet ...
  1. You should find Handler b App now has a MonadBH instance, and so bloodhound functions that require one can be called in your handler. E.G:
  -- Some bloodhound search function
  searchYourDocuments :: MonadBH m => Search -> m Reply
  searchYourDocuments = searchByType yourIndexName yourMappingName

  -- Can now be used inside your handlers.
  doSomethingWithYourDocs :: Handler App App ()
  doSomethingWithYourDocs = do
    eDoc :: Either EsError (SearchResult YourDocument) <- parseEsResponse =<< searchYourDocuments
    case eDoc of
      Left err
        -> fail . show $ err

      Right (SearchResult _took _timedout _shards (SearchHits _hTotal _hMaxScore hits) _hAggs _hmScrollId)
        -> map (\(Hit _hIndex _hType _hDocId _hScore hSource _hHighlight) -> case hSource of
                   Nothing                 -> ...
                   Just (YourDocument ...) -> ...