
a simple script to mirror pose in maya it works on selected controllers for easy activating of the UI make sure to put this "mirrorPoseUI()" command on the shelf

Primary LanguagePython

#update = now "mirror_pose_ui" has advanced features multiple mirror functions/features... #update002= now available for the "blender" with the same features in the tools sidebar panel...

blender addon installation

right now you cannot traditionally install this as you do for other addons please run the script on the text editor I am still learning programming... hope you understand

Maya Mirror Pose Plugin

note:- I manually write these "note" lines and "##Installation" block is written by me, rest is AI-generated

note:- make sure to drag and drop this command "mirrorPoseUI()" on your shelf tools to pop up the UI(for ease of access)

note:-you can ignore Mel's script but if you want to create the shelf tool programmatically you can...(it didn't run well) You are welcome to make changes


download, save, and run the script below on your Maya script editor

"mirror_pose_ui.py" file


The Maya Mirror Pose Plugin is a custom tool for Autodesk Maya that allows animators to mirror the pose of selected controllers with a single click. This tool is especially useful for character rigs with symmetrical controls, facilitating the animation process by automating the mirroring of keyframe values for translation and rotation attributes.


✔️ Mirroring of translation and rotation values of selected controllers
✔️ Handles controllers with side-indicating suffixes (L, l, R, r)
✔️ Flips values of center controllers (without side suffixes)
✔️ User-friendly UI activated via a Maya shelf button

  1. Add the Shelf Button:

    • Open create_shelf_button.mel in a text editor and replace any placeholder paths with the actual path where your script will be stored.
    • Execute the create_shelf_button.mel script in Maya's MEL script editor to create the shelf button.
  2. Install the Plugin Script:

    • Place mirror_pose_ui.py in a directory accessible by Maya.
  3. Load the Plugin:

    • In Maya's Python script editor, load and run the plugin script:
      Replace 'path_to_mirror_pose_ui.py' with the actual path to your mirror_pose_ui.py script.


  1. Activate the Plugin:

    • Click the "Mirror Pose" button on the custom shelf to open the plugin UI.
  2. Mirror Poses:

    • Select the controllers you want to mirror.
    • Click the "Mirror Pose" button in the UI.

Script Details


This script creates a custom shelf button in Maya to activate the mirror pose plugin.

if (`shelfLayout -exists "CustomShelf"`) {
    shelfButton -parent "CustomShelf" -label "Mirror Pose" -command "mirrorPoseUI" -image1 "commandButton.png";
} else {
    string $shelf = `shelfLayout "CustomShelf"`;
    shelfButton -parent $shelf -label "Mirror Pose" -command "mirrorPoseUI" -image1 "commandButton.png";