
singing voice change based on whisper, and lora for singing voice clone

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

singing voice conversion based on whisper & maxgan

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Black technology based on the three giants of artificial intelligence:

OpenAI's whisper, 680,000 hours in multiple languages

Nvidia's bigvgan, anti-aliasing for speech generation

Microsoft's adapter, high-efficiency for fine-tuning

Open source plug-in singing voice library model, based on the LoRA principle:

Train the model from scratch based on a large amount of data, using the branch: lora-svc-for-pretrain


The following is the customization process base on pre-trained model.


  • 1 Data preparation: place the original audio data in the ./data_svc/waves-raw directory.

    convert the sampling rate to 16000Hz

    python svc_preprocess_wav.py --out_dir ./data_svc/waves-16k --sr 16000

    convert the sampling rate to 48000Hz

    python svc_preprocess_wav.py --out_dir ./data_svc/waves-48k --sr 48000

  • 2 Download the timbre encoder: Speaker-Encoder by @mueller91 , unzip the file, put best_model.pth.tar into the directory speaker_pretrain/

    Extract the timbre of each audio file

    python svc_preprocess_speaker.py ./data_svc/waves-16k ./data_svc/speaker

  • 3 Download the whisper model multiple multiple language medium model, make sure the download is medium.pt , put it in the folder whisper_pretrain/ , and extract the content code of each audio

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg

    python svc_preprocess_ppg.py -w ./data_svc/waves-16k -p ./data_svc/whisper

  • 4 Extract the pitch and generate the training file filelist/train.txt at the same time, cut the first 5 items of the train to make filelist/eval.txt

    python svc_preprocess_f0.py

  • 5 Take the average of all audio timbres as the timbre of the target speaker, and complete the sound field analysis

    python svc_preprocess_speaker_lora.py ./data_svc/

    Generate two files, lora_speaker.npy and lora_pitch_statics.npy

  • 6 Download the pre-training model maxgan_pretrain_48K_5L.pth from the release page and put it in the model_pretrain folder. The pre-training model contains the generator and the discriminator


    python svc_trainer.py -c config/maxgan.yaml -n lora

    Resume training

    python svc_trainer.py -c config/maxgan.yaml -n lora -p chkpt/lora/***.pth

    Check state

    tensorboard --logdir logs/

Your file directory should look like this~~~

└── lora_speaker.npy
└── lora_pitch_statics.npy
└── pitch
│     ├── 000001.pit.npy
│     ├── 000002.pit.npy
│     └── 000003.pit.npy
└── speakers
│     ├── 000001.spk.npy
│     ├── 000002.spk.npy
│     └── 000003.spk.npy
└── waves-16k
│     ├── 000001.wav
│     ├── 000002.wav
│     └── 000003.wav
└── waves-48k
│     ├── 000001.wav
│     ├── 000002.wav
│     └── 000003.wav
└── whisper
      ├── 000001.ppg.npy
      ├── 000002.ppg.npy
      └── 000003.ppg.npy

Train LoRA



How to use

  • Use for extremely low resources to prevent overfitting

  • Use for plug-in sound library development

  • Do not use for other

egs: log of using 50 sentences and training for ten minutes



  • 1 Export the generator, the discriminator will only be used in training

    python svc_inference_export.py --config config/maxgan.yaml --checkpoint_path chkpt/lora/lora_00001000.pt

    The exported model is in the current folder maxgan_g.pth, the file size is 54.3M ; maxgan_lora.pth is the fine-tuning module, the file size is 0.94M.

  • 2 Use whisper to extract content encoding; One-key reasoning is not used, in order to reduce the occupation of memory.

    python svc_inference_ppg.py -w test.wav -p test.ppg.npy

    out file is test.ppg.npy;If the ppg file is not specified in the next step, the next step will automatically generate it.

  • 3 Specify parameters and inference

    python svc_inference.py --config config/maxgan.yaml --model maxgan_g.pth --spk ./data_svc/lora_speaker.npy --wave test.wav

    The generated file is in the current directory svc_out.wav; at the same time, svc_out_pitch.wav is generated to visually display the pitch extraction results.

What ? The resulting sound is not quite like it!

  • 1 Statistics of the speaker's vocal range

    Step 5 of training generates: lora_pitch_statics.npy

  • 2 Inferring with the range offset

    Specify the pitch parameter:

    python svc_inference.py --config config/maxgan.yaml --model maxgan_g.pth --spk ./data_svc/lora_speaker.npy --statics ./data_svc/lora_pitch_statics.npy --wave test.wav

Frequency extension:16K->48K No Need For 48K Ver.

python svc_bandex.py -w svc_out.wav

Generate svc_out_48k.wav in the current directory

Sound Quality Enhancement

Download the pretrained vocoder-based enhancer from the DiffSinger Community Vocoder Project and extract it to a folder nsf_hifigan_pretrain/.

NOTE: You should download the zip file with nsf_hifigan in the name, not nsf_hifigan_finetune.

Copy the svc_out_48k.wav generated after frequency expansion to path\to\input\wavs, run

python svc_val_nsf_hifigan.py

Generate enhanced files in path\to\output\wavs

Source of code and References

Adapter-Based Extension of Multi-Speaker Text-to-Speech Model for New Speakers

AdaSpeech: Adaptive Text to Speech for Custom Voice


https://github.com/mindslab-ai/univnet [paper]

https://github.com/openai/whisper/ [paper]

https://github.com/NVIDIA/BigVGAN [paper]






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