
TCC Libraries Patron Count history, stored as .CSV files

📚 TCC Library Patron Counts

Last update

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Current Semester

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Add "flat" before github in the url, like this: https://flatgithub.com/syarb/tcc-patron-counts/ Flat data viewer preview

Charts 📈

I've made a few charts over on this Observable Notebook, check them out if you want! Count Data Grid Plot

What are patron counts? 🤔

Every hour* at the TCC Southeast and Metro library a patron count is recorded. Collected by the Library Aides and Assistants, a single "patron count" is five values: The number of patrons using computers, the number of patrons in the quiet area, the silent area, the active area, and one last section, other to include patrons in any other location (walking around in an ambiguous area, at the service desk, etc).

  • not necessarily every hour, but as often as possible, on the half hour every hour.

Students using study rooms aren't included in this data. This is because the library uses a different way to record that data. If you are a library employee, you can use this link to view those stats.