
Nagios monitoring and Ganglia/Graphite HTTP statistics aggregation for RabbitMQ

Primary LanguageHaskellMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Table of Contents


gamekeeper is a low resource application to perform multiple roles for your RabbitMQ infrastructure:

  • The ability to poll either a local or remote RabbitMQ HTTP API for metrics which are then delivered to either Ganglia, Graphite, or stdout.
  • It serves as a Nagios NPRE plugin endpoint for monitoring a node or individual queues' health.
  • Node management features such as pruning of idle connections and inactive queues.


gamekeeper has three modes of operation, each corresponding to a different subset of functionality and accessible via the following subcommands:


The measure subcommand will emit a series of metrics from the specified --uri for a number of RabbitMQ/AMQP primitives.

All metrics are prefixed into sinks (Ganglia, Graphite, etc) with the identifier: <node_name>.rabbit.

The <node_name> constant is currently determined by escaping the local hostname, and will be configurable in a future release.


  • message.total
  • message.ready
  • message.unacked
  • rate.publish
  • rate.deliver
  • rate.redeliver
  • rate.confirm
  • rate.ack


  • connection.total
  • connection.idle - Calculated relative to the specified --days setting


  • channel.total
  • channel.publisher - Number of publisher/ingress channels
  • channel.consumer - Number of consumer/egress channels
  • channel.duplex - Number of channels marked as both publishing and consuming
  • channel.inactive


  • exchange.rate.<name> - Message rate per exchange


  • queue.total
  • queue.idle - Determined by message residence and flow
  • queue.messages.<name> - Ready messages per queue
  • queue.consumers.<name> - Consumers per queue
  • queue.memory.<name> - Memory usage per queue
  • queue.ingress.<name> - Average message ingress per queue
  • queue.egress.<name> - Average message ingress per queue


  • binding.total - Overall number of AMQP bindings

The output sink can be configured to emit to Stdout,,, Ganglia,<host>,<port>, or Graphite,<host>,<port> using the --sink argument. The underlying network-metrics also supports writing to Statsd,<host>,<port> but this is pointless, and not recommended due to the fact the RabbitMQ management plugin performs pre-aggregation.

By default metrics will be printed to stdout.

At time of writing SoundCloud emits all RabbitMQ metrics to Ganglia specifically


The check subcommand is used to perform a high-level inspection of either the general node health, or a specific queue's health.

All output is to stdout in the Nagios NPRE Plugin format.


The Distributed Erlang sname of the RabbitMQ node needs to be specified via the --name argument, so gamekeeper can calculate the correct HTTP API uri to request. For example, the node rabbit@localhost would result in HTTP requests to http://localhost:15672/#/nodes/rabbit%40localhost

Warning and critical levels can be specified for both message residence and memory usage. A single check is performed and the output is combined.

A warning or critical for either memory residence or memory usage will result in the most severe being used as the NPRE exit code and one line summary.

The memory usage warning and critical levels are specified in Gigabyte units


Queue checks are the same as the node level check, but local to a specifically named queue.

The memory usage warning and critical levels are specified in Megabyte units


The prune subcommand is used via a manual invocation of gamekeeper and is used to remove (via HTTP DELETE) idle connections and unused queues.

This is primarily useful if you do not use AMQP heartbeats and have problems with dangling load-balancer connections through something like LVS or HAProxy.

These commands are destruction, please use caution!


At present, it is assumed the user knows some of the Haskell eco system and in particular wrangling cabal-dev to obtain dependencies. I plan to offer pre-built binaries for x86_64 OSX and Linux in future.

You will need reasonably new versions of GHC and the Haskell Platform which you can obtain here, then run make install in the root directory to compile gamekeeper.

There is also a Chef Cookbook which can be used to manage gamekeeper, if that's how you swing: https://github.com/brendanhay/gamekeeper-cookbook


Command line flags are used to configure gamekeeper, you can access help for the top-level program and various subcommands via the --help switch.

Available Flags

Command Flag Default Format About
measure --uri guest@localhost:15672 URI Address of the RabbitMQ API to poll
--days 30 INT Number of days before a conncetion is considered stale
--sink Stdout,, SINK,HOST,PORT Sink options describing the type and host/port combination
check node --name STR An Erlang atom represent the RabbitMQ node name
--uri guest@localhost:15672 URI Address of the RabbitMQ API to poll
--messages 15000000,30000000 WARN,CRIT Message residence thresholds
--memory 4,8 WARN,CRIT Memory thresholds, in Gigabytes
check queue --name STR The name of the queue to check
--uri guest@localhost:15672 URI Address of the RabbitMQ API to poll
--messages 125000,250000 WARN,CRIT Message residence thresholds
--memory 250,500 WARN,CRIT Memory thresholds, in Megabytes
prune connections --uri guest@localhost:15672 URI Address of the RabbitMQ API to poll
--days 30 INT Number of days before a connection is considered idle
prune queues --uri guest@localhost:15672 URI Address of the RabbitMQ API to poll

There is also a --verbose switch which is useful when debugging metric emission to stdout


After a successful compile, the ./gamekeeper symlink will be pointing to the built binary under ./dist


For any problems, comments or feedback please create an issue here on GitHub.


gamekeeper is released under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0