
A port and further development of carykh's evolv.io

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Evolv.io improved! Build Status

This project is a Rust port of the Processing code from carykh and contributors. The code was 100% rewritten but includes most (all?) ideas of the Processing code with a lot merely being translated into Rust.

What improvements are there?

That it's written in Rust of course!

There are already (more coming up: WIP) a number of improvements over the original:

  • WIP: better documentation to make digging around and playing with it easier
  • Performance, Processing isn't known for anything resembling speed, at least not when compared to Rust.
  • Turning the graphics off, this option is very useful to achieve some real speed.
  • Flexibility, don't like my graphical implementation? Just use Board and build your own!
  • File saving and loading (Done!)
  • Benchmarking, performance is taken seriously and methods for testing are included.
  • Stability, Rust provides a lot of guarantees which add to the overall stability of the program.

The original version has since also been converted to pure Java (No, I am not going to provide a link; Java isn't worthy of that).


  • install Rust
  • clone the repository with git clone https://github.com/syberant/evolvim
  • cd evolvim into the repository
  • cargo build --release to compile the project
  • proceed to Usage and start simulating some life!

Running benchmarks

Use cargo bench --features=bench to run all benchmarks, please do note that you have to be using nightly for this.


You can use the internal logic and make your own graphics-frontend or use mine (which is pretty crappy).

My crappy frontend

This is in target/release/evolvim so to get the following help message type target/release/evolvim --help:

Evolvim - GUI launched via CLI 0.2.0
Sybrand Aarnoutse

    evolvim [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -s, --save       Saves to the input file when done
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --input <FILE>     The input file, start with this as board
    -o, --output <FILE>    The output file, save to this when done

Controls for my crappy frontend

  • click on a creature to select it
  • b to select the biggest creature
  • o to select the oldest creature
  • q to deselect a creature
  • Up to speed up time
  • Down to slow down time

The CLI implementation (use this for speed and to get a quick overview)

This is in target/release/evolvim_cli so to get the following help message type target/release/evolvim_cli --help:

Evolvim - cli 0.2.0
Sybrand Aarnoutse

    evolvim_cli [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
        --info       Output a summary of this world
    -s, --save       Saves to the input file when done
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --input <FILE>       The input file, start with this as board
    -u, --updates <YEARS>    Amount of years to simulate
    -o, --output <FILE>      The output file, save to this when done


As this project is very young it doesn't have good documentation yet, some can be found however by typing cargo doc --no-deps --open. Any further documentation is located in the "self-documenting" code...


This project is licensed under the MIT license (LICENSE or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).