
Computer Vision course at NTU CSIE, instructed by Dr. Fu.

Primary LanguagePython

Computer Vision Homework

2015 fall NTU CSIE course, instructed by Dr. Fu.

Homework Decription

hw1: Basic Image Manipulation

(written in C++)

  • upside-down image
  • rightside-left image
  • diagonally-mirrored image
  • shrink with PhotoShop
  • rotate with PhotoShop

hw2: Basic Image Manipulation

(written in C++)

  • binarize the image
  • calculate and draw the histogram
  • find connected component and draw the bounding box

hw3: Histogram Equalization

(written in C++)

  • do histogram equalization
  • draw histogram of original image and the resulted image

hw4: Binary Morphology

(written in Python)

  • dilation with octo-3-5-5-5-3-kernel
  • erosion with octo-3-5-5-5-3-kernel
  • opening with octo-3-5-5-5-3-kernel
  • closing with octo-3-5-5-5-3-kernel
  • hit-and-miss with L-shape-kernels

hw5: GrayScale Morphology

(written in Python)

  • dilation
  • erosion
  • opening
  • closing (with 3-5-5-5-3-kernel of 0-value, i.e., local minima & maxima)

hw6: Yokoi Connectivity Number

  • downsampling from 512x512 to 64x64
  • take the upmost-left of each 8x8 block
  • result will be a 64 by 64 matrix

hw7: Thinning Operator