Sycamore Rocket Minimal Template

This is template for Sycamore + Rocket + Trunk on

Open in Gitpod


For a more thorough explanation of Trunk and its features, please head over to the repository.


Just click on the button above to start a workspace. Trunk will automatically be installed and a dev server will automatically be started.

If you are using this template on your local machine, use the following command to start the Rocket server.

cargo watch -x run -p server # Or cargo run -p server

And this command to automatically rebuild the client.

cd app && trunk watch


cargo build --release # Build the server in release mode
cd app && trunk build --release # Build the client in release mode

Using this template

This template is intended to be used as a quick way to test out something using Sycamore without having to setup a local environnement.

If you do not intend to use, simply remove .gitpod.yml and .gitignore.Dockerfile from source control.