
This reposity contains a lightweight vim+zsh+tmux configuration file, which makes your terminal more friendly and smart. It enable the most of basic functions and help you to install some useful Plugins.


Quick Start

  • Put .vimrc, .zshrc and .tmux.conf in the user's home directory ~/.
  • Put sychelsea.zsh-theme in ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/.

Vim Configuration

It uses VundleVim/Vundle.vim to manage vim plugins.

Puglins contained

Install Plugins by Vundle

Install Vundle Plugins

  1. Set up Vundle git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  2. Use command :PluginInstall in vim to install Plugins.

See the guide of Vundle for advanced configuration.

Commands for Puglin Installation


YouCompleteMe need to be compiled before use.

  • Open the directory.
    $ cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
  • Install ycm for all the languages.
    $ python3 install.py --all

See the installation guide for more instructions.


Used in python auto formatting.

$ pip install yapf

If yapf is not found after installation, add its directory to the environment path. It is usually installed in \usr\local\bin or ~\.local\bin.

Zsh Configuration

  • Change the path to your oh-my-zsh installation in line 8.
  • The last two lines is used to bind HOME and END keys. If your keys works well. Delete these two lines.
  • The theme of zsh makes it looks like a default ubuntu bash with extra git information.

Tmux Configuration

Custom Hotkeys

Mouse is enabled. You can use mouse to swith tab and tune the size of windows. I add som custom hotkeys. Here are the main difference:

  • Ctrl t: Tmux function prefix (How to remember: 't' is the first letter of tmux!) The following hotkeys should follow the tmux leader Ctrl t
  • \: Split the window vertically (You don't need to press SHIFT compared to the default setting)
  • -: Split the wimdow horizontally
  • n: New tab
  • t: Switch bwtween tabs. You can press t multiple times continuously. There may be some other custom hotkeys. You can check the comments in '.tmux.config' for more infomation.

Conda ENV

Anaconda defauly shows its env name at the beginnig of the PROMPT of bash. Run this on the terminal to disable it:

$ conda config --set changeps1 False


Use zi to enable/disable fold