

This reposistory consists of two main components:

  • weakSTL constraint encoder (weak-stl-encoder/ directory), which converts specs in STL and weakSTL formula to MILP constraints specified in MiniZinc to (1) calculates the robustness value of one or more STL formulas with respect to a constant signal or a deterministic environmental model. (2) calculate the predictive actions based on weakSTL formula and environmental model, minimizing the degree of weakening.
  • code for experiments (px4-experiments/ directory), which has various MAVSDK-based drone missions (surveillance, fly-circle), and the implementation of various onboard enforcers for the drones (boundary enforcer, boundary enforcer, safe landing enforcer, etc.). These code interacts with jMAVSim flight simulator. There are also various scripts for running the experiments in batches and plotting the results. Together, they support the execution of the organ delivery drone case study and the boundary/runaway drone case study. (Note that each case study requires different simulator startup scripts, due to different number of drones required for each case study).


3rd-Party Tools/Libraries

  1. Maven (Java package manager) is required to build the project. Please follow the instructions here to install Maven.
  2. MiniZinc (MILP solver) is required to solve the MILP constraints. Please follow the instructions here to install MiniZinc.
    • In addition, we require the Gurobi backend for the MiniZinc solver to support floating-point constraints. The current MiniZinc release requires Gurobi 9.1.1. However, it may change in future release. Please follow the instructions here to install Gurobi. If you are using Gurobi for educational purposes, you can use it for free by applying for academic license here.
  3. PX4 drone simulation toolkit: Follow the instruction here for macOS setup. For other platforms, please follow the instructions here.
    • To use MAVSDK-Java, we also need to install MAVSDK Server by following here.

This Repository

  1. weakSTL Encoder:
    • Clone this repository to your local machine.
    • Go to weak-stl-encoder/ directory.
    • Run mvn clean install to install and test the project.
    • Once the weakSTL Encoder is installed globally to all Maven project, in the pom.xml file of the Maven project where you would like to import the stl constraint encoder, put the following dependency in the <dependencies> section.


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