
C Code to control ArduPilot ArduCopter

Primary LanguageMakefile

Usage for MAVLink-C Library

Step 0. Install ArduPilot library by following the tutorial below https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OgCC17BiFaRYml6ymLix7IrCFkasUEywPy2u3vIW_HE/edit

Step 1. Clone official MAVLink repository git clone https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink --recursive

Step 2. Replace the example/c folder with the custom repository git clone https://github.com/sychoo/MAVLink-C-Library-for-ArduPilot

Step 3. Build the demo.c program by invoking the Makefile. In the case that it doesn't work, simply executing the command within the Makefile make

Step 4. Run the compiled program ./build/demo which will simulate the ADS-B signal that will be sent to the drone.