
Frontend Pixel Perfect project (Gulp, Pug, SCSS, Babel, webpack, JavaScript, Node.js, yarn). With Docker Package and Web Page.

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Frontend page sample (Pug + SCSS + Gulp)

Link: https://frontend-page-sample.vercel.app/

Project for Riverstart (https://riverstart.ru)

Case: Create the provided layout using gulp packing, Pug, SCSS and other libraries. Requirements: cross-browsers supporting (latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari), adhere to pixel-perfect layout principles, creating animations and states for buttons, progress bars, headers

Stack: Pug, SCSS, JavaScript, Node.js, yarn, iconfont, webpack, babel. Requirements: Pixel Perfect HTML-Coding.


  • Assembly for automating tasks in everyday front-end development;
  • Automatic page reload in browser using browser-sync;
  • Using Babel to support modern JavaScript (ES6) in browsers.


Using via npm

  • Install Node.js: https://nodejs.org/en/download/;
  • Install yarn: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install;
  • Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/kenclaron/frontend-page-sample.git;
  • Go to folder of repository: cd ./frontend-page-sample;
  • Install gulp globally: yarn global add gulp-cli;
  • Install needed libraries: yarn (if you have errors, use alternative npm-command npm install);
  • Type: yarn dev (launching in dev-mode in browser with browser-sync)
  • Type: yarn jslint (checking lint errors)
  • Type: yarn build (build project for production)
    • Results save in folder ./dist
  git clone https://github.com/kenclaron/frontend-page-sample.git
  cd ./vue-url-shortener
  yarn global add gulp-cli
  yarn dev
  yarn jslint
  yarn build

If you did everything right, you should have a browser open with a local server and running browser-sync.

Using via Docker

  yarn global add gulp-cli
  docker pull ghcr.io/kenclaron/frontend-page-sample:main
  docker run -p 8080:80 -it --name frontend-page-sample ghcr.io/kenclaron/frontend-page-sample:main

Open Webpage


Project folder

├── dist               - Builded project
│   └── assets         - Sources from src/static
│       ├── js         - Compiled .js-files
│       └── css        - Compiled .css-files
├── gulp-tasks         - .js-tasks for gulp
└── src                - Source fiels
    ├── iconfont       - Source for iconfont (svg), 
    ├── js             - .js-files
    │   ├── components - .js-components
    │   └── libs       - Third-party libraries
    ├── pngsprite      - Sources for .png-sprite
    ├── scss           - .scss-files
    │   ├── components - .scss-components
    │   ├── fonts
    │   ├── generated  - Generated sprites and font styles
    │   ├── img        - Images for styles
    │   ├── templates  - Templated for sprites and fonts
    │   └── vendor     - Third-party styles
    ├── static         - Static files
    │   ├── ajax       - Ajax responses
    │   └── img        - Images
    ├── svgsprite      - Sources for .svg-sprite
    └── views          - .pug-templates
        └── _includes  - Importing files
            ├── blocks - Importing blocks
            └── mixins - Importing mixins



The Frontend Page Sample licensed under the MIT license.


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