
A starting point.

React frontend, Express backend.

Out of the box features:

  • Socket.io connection
  • VSCode debugging for backend
  • Easily deployable to Google Cloud Run


Uses Node v18

Node versions here


To deploy the app you can follow these steps:

from the frontend directory:

npm run build

This will create a production build of the frontend in the backend/public directory.

from the backend directory:

gcloud run deploy

It's really that easy.


React app set up with Vite. Details of that here.

cd frontend

npm install

npm run dev

Runs on localhost:3000. Available on your local network. Requests to the backend are proxied by the dev server.


Express. Nodemon for development.

cd backend

npm install

npm run start

Listens on port 3001

Backend Dependencies

  • express
  • dotenv
  • socket.io

Dev dependencies

  • nodemon