⚠️ Warning: DAOS is under heavy development. Use at your own risk.
The Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) is an open-source software-defined object store designed from the ground up for massively distributed Non Volatile Memory (NVM). DAOS takes advantage of next generation NVM technology like Storage Class Memory (SCM) and NVM express (NVMe) while presenting a key-value storage interface and providing features such as transactional non-blocking I/O, advanced data protection with self healing on top of commodity hardware, end-to-end data integrity, fine grained data control and elastic storage to optimize performance and cost.
DAOS is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. Please see the LICENSE & NOTICE files for more information.
- quick instructions for building, installing and running DAOS
- DAOS operations manual
- testing DAOS
- debugging DAOS
- Overview of the DAOS storage model
- C native API and man pages
- Python bindings
- Go language bindings and documentation
- I/O middleware integration
- DAOS VOL plugin for HDF5
- libdfs implements files and directories over the DAOS API by encapsulating a POSIX namespace into a DAOS container. This library can be linked directly with the application (e.g. see IOR and mdtest DAOS backend) or mounted locally through FUSE (one mountpoint per container for now).
More information can be found on the wiki.
For any questions, please post to our user forum. Bugs should be reported through our issue tracker with a test case to reproduce the issue (when applicable) and debug logs.