
Self Driving truck using ROS Kinetic , Supervised Deep Learning, OpenCv and SLAM

Primary LanguageC++

JACOB Self-Driving Truck with induction charger

This repository contains code for an autonomous smallscale truck with wireless inductive charging. It is part of our autonomous vehicle project and contains code for three different path following methods:

  • SLAM with Pure Pursuit (and Stanley steering) steering controller
  • Supervised Deep Learning steering controller with OpenCV
  • Lane Detector with steering controller (PID) and OpenCV
  • Ackermann Messages

The system is based on Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic running on a Nvidia Jetson TX2. The truck itself is controlled by a Teensy 3.2 microcontroller. Other components used are the RPlidar A2M8 lidar and the Logitech C922 webcam.


To start the autonomous system, type:

$ roslaunch car_cmd run.launch  

ROS nodes

Folder Functionality
Teensy Contains the code for the Teensy microcontroller
ackermann_odom Estimates odometry for Ackermann vehicle with IMU
aruco_detector For detecting ArUco markers with camera, also contains generator
can_charger_node ROS CAN bus interface for Jetson TX2
car_cmd Central node for publishing car commands to microcontroller
car_gui Graphical User Interface for status overviews
car_setup_tf TF broadcaster (base_link to laser)
cv_lanetracker OpenCV Lane Detector for center offset measure
dnn_simulator Deep Learning controller for Udacity Simulator, with trainer
dnn_steering_node Deep Learning steering controller, also contains trainer and data logger
esc_vel_pub Estimates velocity from controller command (sensorless)
heartbeat_broadcaster Publishes alive msgs to microcontroller
path_trackers Pure Pursuit and Stanley steering controllers
rosbag_resampler Script for resampling a rosbag that has topics publishing at different sample rates
rplidar_pwm_ros Modified RPlidar ROS node with PWM motor control (https://github.com/davidbsp/rplidar_ros)
waypoint_logger ROS node for recording a new path

Also used:

Name Link
ROS Kinetic https://www.ros.org/
Hector SLAM http://wiki.ros.org/hector_slam
Joy http://wiki.ros.org/joy
ROS Serial http://wiki.ros.org/rosserial
Udacity Self-Driving Car Simulator (Term 1, v2) https://github.com/udacity/self-driving-car-sim

A modified version of Hector SLAM is attached as a zip.