
This repository serves as a comprehensive collection of my personal JavaScript notes. It's designed to help both beginners and experienced developers grasp essential concepts and techniques in JavaScript programming.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My JavaScript Notes Repository

Welcome to my personal JavaScript notes repository! Here, I have organized and shared my compilation of JavaScript notes. These notes cover a wide range of concepts and insights related to JavaScript programming.

Feel free to explore the content and use these notes to enhance your understanding of JavaScript.

Core Concepts

  1. Variables in js
  2. Data types
  3. Operators
  4. Array
  5. String
  6. Control flow
  7. Loops
  8. Functions
  9. Objects
  10. This keyword

Advance Concept

  1. Advance-Functions

  2. Advance_Object

  3. Callback-&-Promisses

  4. javascript-runtime

  5. Document-object-model

  6. Event-handling