
Docker Containers Based stress tester for testing of servers, mostly VPN servers.

Primary LanguageHTML

DOCKER BASED TESTER (docker-py library)

Docker Containers Based stress tester for testing of servers, mostly VPN servers.

  • Create a folder named docker-stress-tester in /home directory and clone the project there.
  • Run api.py for running the flask web-server.
  • Connect to web application on localhost.
  • For Docker images and scripts for testing you can freely contact.


Python 2.7.12

Flask 0.12.2

docker-py 1.10.6

Docker version 17.05.0-ce

sudo yum install epel-release

sudo yum install python-pip python-devel gcc

pip install uwsgi flask

pip install -U flask-cors


Syed Saad Ahmed, For any Query you can contact syedsaadahmed2094.sa@gmail.com and here's my public key (3DD43A73FC9ECD8A)