pumpbot.io - Pump.fun bot & Pump.fun bundler

Telegram: @Meemic

Online version: pumpbot.io



Background 🏞

  • pumpfunbot enables users to use multiple customized wallet sets to perform all kinds of features in the same code, without running different scripts 😵‍💫
  • Implementing custom Address Lookup Table (LUT) & complex Jito bundling technique to ensure blazingly fast transactions & efficient savings on fees 💸
  • Offers the most intuitive and user-friendly UI/UX in the market, extremely user-friendly!
  • The codebase is meticulously optimized to deliver unparalleled stability and speed ⚡
  • Seamless integration with Raydium buy/sell after token is graduated 🎓

Architecture 🧱

Wombo Combo 💥🥊

🔮 Orchestrate an ultimate combo utilizing different bots & bundler all-in-one with their own customized Wallet Set settings

  1. 👛 Wallet Sets setup
    1. Create different Wallet Sets with their own respective settings specifically for each bot like Token Bundler, Army Snipe Bot & etc
    2. One Wallet Set can be shared among multiple bots as well
  2. 📦 Token Bundler
    1. Launch your token with our flexible Pump.fun bundler, buying up majority of the floor supply (Your token will never get sniped with this method)
  3. 🔫 Army Snipe Bot (optional)
    1. Shake out existing buyers / snipers who bought after your bundle
    2. Call an insider Community Take Over (CTO)
    3. Snipe the token with multiple wallets, full send it to Raydium 🚀, catch another wave of snipers on Raydium before the ultimate (optional)
  4. 🌊 Volume Bot
    1. Generate organic-like volume for your token to attract buyers
    2. Can also be used after you called a Community Take Over (CTO)
  5. 🔥 Bump Bot
    1. Consistently bumps your token to the main page of Pump.fun to gain traction

Features 📜

👛 Wallet Set

  • Introducing the 🦴 backbone feature
  • Enabling users to create multiple Wallet Sets, each has a Master Wallet and as many Sub Wallets as you wish
  • Each Wallet Set will have its own customizable wallet settings that includes:
    • Jito Fees, Priority Fees, Slippage & etc
  • Users are able to:
    • View all wallet balances & private keys
    • Bundle fund your Sub Wallets from Master Wallet (super low fees! 🤑)
    • Bundle withdraw all Sub Wallets back to Master Wallet (super low fees! 🤑)
    • Withdraw partial or all funds from Master Wallet to any wallet address you wish
    • Transfer balance from one wallet to another
    • Create or Delete Wallet Set
    • Edit Wallet Set settings

📦 Create Token Bundler

  • Launch a token with our flexible wallet bundler, bundling from 5 to 20 wallets 👛
  • Choose your desired wallet distribution method:
    • Manual Input Distribution
      • Manually input total bundled wallets and the SOL allocated for each wallet
      • Total SOL, Token Amount, Distribution will be shown on every entry
    • Dynamic Range Distribution (Min/Max)
      • Input total bundled wallets, minimum & maximum SOL range for each wallet

🌊 Volume Bot

  • Utilize Sub Wallets to create organic volume for your token 🥬
  • Paint an organic influx of buys with:
    • Dynamic Range Distribution of SOL buys (Min/Max)
    • Customizable organic delay between each buys

🔥 Bump Bot

  • Deploy a token bumper with your Sub Wallets
  • Auto rotation of Sub Wallets to consistently bump your token to the main page of Pump.fun to gain traction & visibility

🔫 Army Snipe Bot

  • Snipe Existing Token
    • Leveraging Sub Wallets to army buy an existing token
    • Insider Community Take Over (CTO) friendly 🫂
    • Can be used to quickly buy up floor prices of an existing token before calling a Community Take Over (CTO) in community groups 🤫
  • Snipe Dev Wallet
    • Actively listen to new mint created by a specific wallet address
    • Once a new mint is detected, utilize Sub Wallets to army snipe a newly minted token by the wallet address 🎯

🛠 Settings

  • Update default Wallet Set for each bot