
Send yanked text to the terminal using OSC 52 extensions

Primary LanguageVim scriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This is yet another packaging of the Chromium hterm code that sends OSC 52 escape sequences to populate the terminal clipboard. There's nothing particularly special about this copy except for a new function that sends all yanked text to the terminal auto-magically. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Use your favorite plugin manager to install it. I use junegunn/vim-plug.

Plug 'sykesm/vim-osc52'


If you want yank to send text to the terminal as well as the buffer, the following mappings can be used:

if !has("gui_running") && !empty($SSH_CLIENT)
  nnoremap <silent> yy :<C-U>call YankToTerminalClipboard('yy')<CR>
  nnoremap <silent> y :set operatorfunc=YankToTerminalClipboard<CR>g@
  vnoremap <silent> y :<C-U>call YankToTerminalClipboard(visualmode(), 1)<CR>


This is covered by the original BSD-style license from Chromium. It can be found in LICENSE.