
A simple npm package to calculate the future value of an investment based on the present value, interest rate, and compounding periods.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


npm version

License: MIT

A simple npm package to calculate the future value of an investment based on the present value, interest rate, and compounding periods.

Examples at https://future-value-calculator-demo.vercel.app/.

Source code at https://github.com/syket-git/future-value-calculator,

🏗️ Installation

You can install the package using npm:

npm install future-value-calculator

🔥 How to use

import calculateFutureValue from "future-value-calculator";

// Example usage
const presentValue = 1000;
const interestRate = 5;
const periods = 10;

const futureValue = calculateFutureValue(presentValue, interestRate, periods);
console.log("Future Value:", futureValue);


calculateFutureValue(presentValue, interestRate, periods)

Calculates the future value of an investment.

  • presentValue (number): The initial investment amount.
  • interestRate (number): The annual interest rate in percentage.
  • periods (number): The number of compounding periods.

Returns the calculated future value rounded up to the nearest whole number.


This project is licensed under the MIT License


  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  • Make your changes and commit them.
  • Push to your fork and submit a pull request.


  • This package is a simple financial utility tool.
  • Inspired by the need for a quick and reliable future value calculator.

Feel free to use and contribute to this project. Happy calculating!