
mahjong lab of organization lab

Primary LanguagePython

麻将 Mahjong

关于麻将的工具集, 由 Organization Lab 开发

A toolbox for mahjong game, by Organization Lab

  1. 和牌判断器 Mahjong checker checker.py
  2. 向听数计算器 Xiangtingshu calculator mahjong.py

Author: Organization Lab @ GitHub

How to use

在本地用 Python 3.4.3 运行脚本, 在 OS X 和 Windows 下测试. (Python 2.7 应也可使用, 但未测试)

Clone or Download repo to local. Then run script with Python 3.4.3

Tested in OS X and Windows. (Python 2.7 should also works, but not tested)

1. 和牌判断器 Mahjong checker checker.py

1.1 脚本运行方式

输入 14 张手牌(手牌格式见下)作为参数, 或在提示后输入参数

python checker.py hand

e.g. $ python checker.py 123456789m123p22s

python checker.py, then input hand

脚本会判断手牌是否是和牌形. 如是和牌形, 脚本会输出和牌的手牌组合(之一).

the script will return if the hand is mahjong. If it is mahjong, the details will be shown.

1.2 手牌格式 valid hand format

允许简写123456789m123p22s, 也可每张牌单独输入, 如 1m2m3m4m5m6m7m8m9m1p2p3p2s2s

m-万; p-筒; s-索/条; z-字(1234567z分别代表东南西北白发中)


1-9m/p/s/z, short input is OK. e.g. 123456789m123p22s, 1m2m3m4m5m6m7m8m9m1p2p3p2s2s

1.3 examples

$ python checker.py 123456m456789p11s
Hand is mahjong. Wining hand is:
1m2m3m 4m5m6m 4p5p6p 7p8p9p 1s1s

$ python checker.py 113355777799s
Hand is not valid.

$ python checker.py 11335577779911s
Hand is mahjong. Wining hand is:
1s1s 1s1s 3s3s 5s5s 7s7s 7s7s 9s9s

$ python checker.py 119m19p19s1234567z
Hand is mahjong. Wining hand is:
1m 1m 9m 1p 9p 1s 9s 1z 2z 3z 4z 5z 6z 7z

$ python checker.py
input hand: 123m456789p789s11z
Hand is mahjong. Wining hand is:
1m2m3m 4p5p6p 7p8p9p 7s8s9s 1z1z

2. 向听数计算器 Xiangtingshu calculator mahjong.py

2.1 运行方式

输入 14 张手牌(手牌格式见下)作为参数, 或在提示后输入参数

python mahjong.py hand

e.g. $ python mahjong.py 123456789m123p22s

python mahjong.py, then input hand

脚本会计算手牌的最小向听数, 并给出各种打法的有效牌

the script will return the xiangtingshu(向听数) of hand.

2.2 手牌格式 valid hand format

允许简写123456789m123p22s, 也可每张牌单独输入, 如 1m2m3m4m5m6m7m8m9m1p2p3p2s2s

m-万; p-筒; s-索/条; z-字(1234567z分别代表东南西北白发中)


2.3 examples

$ python mahjong.py 7m8m9m4p5p6p1s1s1s6s7s8s9s4s
手牌: 7m8m9m4p5p6p1s1s1s4s6s7s8s9s
打1s, 向听数0, 有效牌5s, 1种4张
打4s, 向听数0, 有效牌6s9s, 2种6张
打6s, 向听数0, 有效牌4s, 1种3张
打9s, 向听数0, 有效牌4s, 1种3张