
a android app to monite phone system info (cpu,memory,battery...) in background 后台记录安卓手机cpu,内存等信息APP

Primary LanguageJava


This is a android app to monite phone system info (cpu,memory,battery...) in background


Record SystemInfo

App can record phone system infomation in background with given interval.This can be used for phone stability test or stress test. Support Info:

  • CPU (get every cpu core's usage and frequency)
  • Memory For System :include "Buffers","SwapCached","SwapTotal","SwapFree","Total RAM", "Free RAM", "Used RAM", "Lost RAM", "ZRAM","Cached PSS(KB)", "Used PSS","APP Memory", "Cached Free", "Free", "Free Memory","Firmware Memory","Graphics","GL" For process : "PSS","Process","Pid"
  • Battery level
  • Temperature

Export data

App can export the data with .csv format,so user can analyze data easily

PS:some features need root permission