
help you memorize new words

the lword project

lword helps you memorize new words.

you are asked to spell each new word defined in a word-file.

the word-file is a simple text file.
format is:
<explainations, hints> without empty newline between them.
<explainations, hints> without empty newline between them.

----start sample word file----
the temperature scale starts in F

the temperature scale starts in C

----end sample word file----

lword will have a db about which words you already known very well and which
words you constantly make mistakes on.

it also re-prompt old memorized word to you according to the famous the
forgetting curve [1].

* the forgetting curve

* implementation

** phonemic symbols in words file
   to show KK(Kenyon and Knott) phonemic symbols / IPA(International Phonetic
   Alphabet), you need a good font.

   Lucida Sans Unicode is said to support IPA.

   The IPA-SAM fonts are proprietary copyrighted Encore fonts created using
   Typecaster software supplied by the Summer Institute of Linguistics.

** db design

   | word          | string    | the word                                   |
   |               |           |                                            |
   | count         | int       | how many times the user has typed the word |
   | wrong_count   | int       | how many times the user got it wrong       |
   |               |           |                                            |
   | session_count | int       | how many sessions has this word mentioned? |
   | last_session  | timestamp | when is last session                       |

** sqlite
   you can run sqlite in script like this
       sqlite3 ex1 'select * from tbl1'
       sqlite3 <db-file-name> <SQL-statement>

* I miss Javscript list and object notation now that I'm writing python code

[1]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgetting_curve
     see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Ebbinghaus